Unterstützende Konzepte
Transdisziplinäre Prozesse bedürfen einer flexiblen und kontextsensitiven Struktur und Moderation. Neben Prinzipien der td-Forschung und spezifischen td-Werkzeugen und -Methoden wie in der td-net Toolbox (siehe Toolbox), gibt es viele Konzepte und Plattformen, die für die td-Forschung hilfreich sind. Im Folgenden stellen wir einige Beispiele kurz vor und verlinken sie.
Guides, guidelines und blogs
KFPE's Leitfaden für grenzüberschreitende Forschungspartnerschaften
Die Kommission für Forschungspartnerschaften mit Entwicklungsländern (KFPE) hat - in einem umfangreichen Konsultationsprozess - 11 Prinzipien für Forschung in Partnerschaften und 7 grundlegende Fragen entwickelt, die auf Faktoren hinweisen, die Forschung in Partnerschaften ermöglichen oder behindern. Diese Prinzipien konzentrieren sich auf die institutionelle Ebene der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Organisationen (während sich die td-Prinzipien auf Forscher und Teams konzentrieren). Die 7 Fragen sollen den Nutzern helfen, die 11 Prinzipien besser zu verstehen und umzusetzen, sowie Reflexion und Diskussion anregen.
KFPE's Guidelines to conflict sensitive research
The Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE) developed guidelines that take you through 9 steps of a research cycle and point your attention to critical and sensitive aspects of research in and on conflict. These guidelines are designed for all levels of researchers – from research student to professor – who conduct research in settings that are conflict-affected.
The KFPE’s guidelines complement the principles of td research and the td-net toolbox by focusing on research contexts where not only conflicting perspectives exist, but where conflicts are as escalated that they may cause physical, psychological or socio-cultural harm to involved parties.
Check out the guidelines to conflict sensitive research
Collaboration and Team Science: A Field Guide
This field guide “helps guide change at an organizational level, shifting research culture from a primary investigator-initiated focus to one that embraces collaborative and cross-cutting efforts across disciplinary dedicated departments.”
It complements the principles of td research and the td-net toolbox by putting a special emphasis on how teams can be strengthened (irrespective from the research focus), e.g. by creating a shared vision, building and sustaining trust, team evolution, handling conflict, and leadership. Often cited are its “Collaborative Agreement Questions” (Prenuptial Agreements for Scientists).
Check out the field guide
The Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Guide
“The guide links the underlying rationale for multi-stakeholder partnerships, with a clear four phase process model, a set of seven core principles, key ideas for facilitation and 60 participatory tools for analysis, planning and decision making. The guide has been written for those directly involved in MSPs - as a stakeholder, leader, facilitator or funder - to provide both the conceptual foundations and practical tools that underpin successful partnerships.”
It complements the principles of td research and the td-net toolbox by providing guidance to design and facilitate a multi-stakeholder process – with less emphasis on research (generating new knowledge), but similar focus on solving problems (collaboration is needed when complex and contested problems are at stake). In addition, it also focuses on finding ways out of conflicts or using opportunities (value-creation).
The Integration and Implementation Insights blog
Integration and Implementation Insights (also known as i2Insights) is a community weblog for researchers who are interested in sharing concepts and methods for understanding and acting on complex societal and environmental problems (problems like refugee crises, global climate change, and inequality).
It complements he principles of td research and the td-net toolbox by facilitating exchange of thoughts and experiences in the discussion section of the weblog and by an elaborated index that allows to search for keywords and illustrates the scope and plurality of its community/communities.
Go to blog
SHAPE-ID Toolkit
The Toolkit provides tools and resources to make informed decisions about interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research with the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, the Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, and societal partners. It is organized around 9 goals: Understand, co-create, fund, disseminate, and evaluate inter- and transdisciplinary research, as well as develop collaborative conditions, research skills, careers, and support for inter- and transdisciplinary researchers. It offers Top Ten Tips, reflective tools, case studies, thematic guides, webinars, videos and a gateway to external resources - briefly commented by the toolkit developers.
It complements the principles of td research and the td-net toolbox by its scope (e.g. elaborating on research careers and funding), by highlighting the importance of AHSS integration in inter- and transdisciplinary research, and by addressing not only individual researchers, but also research organisations, funders/policymakers, and societal partners.
Citizen Science Plattform ‚Schweiz Forscht‘ | „tous scientifiques“
Die Webseite Schweiz Forscht stellt Informationen für und aus der Community von Citizen Scientist zusammen: Projekte, Begriffsklärungen, Prinzipien. Ein Blick auf die Prinzipien für Citizen Sciences zeigt die vielen Verbindungsstellen zwischen Transdisziplinärer Forschung und Citizen Sciences. Die Plattform wird von Science et Cité betrieben. Sie bieten auch regelmässige Netzwerkaktivitäten an.