News de la communauté
Ici vous trouvez toutes les nouvelles des quatre derniers mois de la communauté transdisciplinaire. Le site web est mis à jour en permanence. Si vous avez des communications que vous souhaitez communiquer, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.
New Name: “Swiss Alliance for Global Research Partnerships"
To better reflect who we are, we are revising our name. From the end of June 2025 onwards, the KFPE will be called Swiss Alliance for Global Research Partnerships (GRP-Alliance). Join us at the Annual Conference on 20 June to learn more about the reasons for this name change. Conference-Website
Transforming and weaving knowledge in a complex world: The butterfly and the spider
i2insights, Frédéric Darbellay
Inter- and transdisciplinarity remains a diverse and constantly evolving field, shaped by various schools of thought and enriched by a global and intercultural perspective. This diversity constitutes its richness and calls for an inclusive approach, capable of representing the plurality of scientific communities, approaches and practices. Got to blog
Neue Berichtsreihe des TD-Lab Berlin
Berlin University Alliance
Das TD-Lab hat verschiedene Methoden, Tools und Formate für die transdisziplinäre Forschung entwickelt. Das Team unterstützt bei der Adaption der Formate und Methoden in den verschiedenen Forschungskontexten. Zur Übersichtsseite
Alternative Reality Game: Cow Chat Crime
BOKU, VetMed
Entwickelt von Wissenschaftlerinnen der BOKU und der VetMed in Zusammenarbeit mit professionellen Spieleentwicklern und Praxisakteur:innen, verbindet das Spiel Elemente aus der realen Welt mit digitalen Medien und lädt dich ein, Teil einer packenden Geschichte zu werden. Das Spiel ist jederzeit verfügbar und über WhatsApp spielbar. Mehr Informationen
Cartoons: How inter- and transdisciplinary integration will fail for sure
Collaborating successfully in inter- and transdisciplinary (ITD) research projects is a challenge. A series of cartoons humorously illustrates how collaboration will fail for sure. The scenes depicted are intended to provide food for thought across disciplines. They invite everyone to rethink their own behaviour and discuss with team members how ITD research can succeed.
Neue Berichtsreihe des TD-Lab Berlin
Berlin University Alliance
Das TD-Lab hat verschiedene Methoden, Tools und Formate für die transdisziplinäre Forschung entwickelt. Das Team unterstützt bei der Adaption der Formate und Methoden in den verschiedenen Forschungskontexten. Zur Übersichtsseite
Pairing Scheme: NRP 80 explores a new form of dialogue between science and politics
NRP 80 - Covid-19 in Society
A pairing scheme is bringing researchers and members of Parliament together. Thirteen researchers from NRP 80 are currently taking part in this unique nationwide initiative.
The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the challenges involved in the dialogue between science and politics. Switzerland has taken note, and in 2023 introduced a Code of Practice on scientific policy advice and a formalised system for involving advisory groups before and during a crisis.
NRP 79 projects: The first three short videos are online
NRP 79 - Advancing Research Programme
Packing a multi-year NRP research project into a short film is no easy task. But it is important in terms of transparency and of providing insights into 3R research. The first three short videos are now online - more to follow.
More Information
New Transdisciplinary Graduate Programs
University of Calgary
The University is pleased to announce that the brand new Transdisciplinary Graduate Programs are now open for applications. They are offering a Master's thesis-based program, a PhD program and two course-based Master's programs, all starting in September 2025. More Information
Einheit der Wissenschaft und echtes Studium generale: Vorlesung an der Universität Basel
Einheit der Wissenschaft und echtes Studium generale, Universität Basel
Das Projekt hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, ein echtes Studium generale von zwei Semestern Dauer an den Hochschulen zu etablieren. Ziel dieses Studiums ist es, Generalisten auszubilden, die dank holistischen Methoden holistische Lösungen vorschlagen und umsetzen können und somit inter- & transdisziplinäre Arbeit vereinfachen. An der Universität Basel wird es dazu im Frühjahrsemester 2025 eine erste Ringvorlesung geben, zu der auch Hörerinnen und Hörer zugelassen sind. Die Vorlesung findet wöchentlich ab dem 20. Februar 2025 jeweils am Donnerstag von 16.15 bis 18.00 Uhr statt: Suche | Vorlesungsverzeichnis Universität Basel
ITD Alliance News Bulletin
ITD Alliance
The 17th January News Bulletin includes
New Resource: Designing Inspiring Workshops and Courses in Transdisciplinarity: A Guide now available
Upcoming ITD Alliance events: Toolkits and Methods Quality & Rigour event.
Policy and Funding News.
Relevant Conferences and Events.
Fellowship Opportunity.
New “Member Publications” feature: Announce your “just-out” publications.
13 projects approved for NRP 81 "Baukultur"
NRP 81
The Swiss National Science Foundation has approved 13 projects for the National Research Programme "Baukultur" (NRP 81).
In early December 2024, the Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation decided to approve 13 projects for the National Research Programme "Baukultur" (NRP 81), as proposed by the Steering Committee. NRP 81 aims to improve our understanding of processes in the built environment. Specifically, the programme aims to link Baukultur with social and ecological transition and to establish new collaborations and strengthen existing ones with institutions and civil society.
19 projects to foster multidisciplinary research in gender medicine and health
NRP 83
Following recommendation by the Steering Committee, the Research Council has decided to grant 19 projects for a total budget of 9.6 Mio CHF, to foster research in gender medicine and health. The projects will start in early 2025.
Clinical studies, medical education, AI, mental health, ethics, prevention, epidemiology are all coming together to reduce biases on Sex (biological attributes) and gender (sociocultural factors) in the Swiss health system. Of the 32 pre-selected projects, 19 have finally been granted for a total budget of 9.6 million CHF.
Urban Waters: Art and Water in Dialogue at Strandbad Tiefenbrunnen
Students and lecturers from all departments will transform Strandbad Tiefenbrunnen in Zurich into a unique space for connection, experience, and reflection on water as part of Urban Waters from 1 to 23 February 2025.
Urban Waters explores the theme of water in urban spaces, inviting visitors to rediscover the ecological, social, and cultural significance of water through art and sensory experiences. The park at Strandbad Tiefenbrunnen will feature a total of ten art installations. From Friday to Sunday, an extensive programme of performances, readings, workshops, concerts, and more will take place.
The park at Strandbad Tiefenbrunnen is open daily from 7:30 am to 7:30 pm, and all art installations as well as the entire programme are free of charge. Further details and the complete programme can be found on the website.
Urban Waters is supported by the Canton of Zurich as part of the #hallowasser project.
ITD Alliance News Bulletin
ITD Alliance
The 9th January News Bulletin includes:
New Member Publications
Upcoming ITD Alliance events
ITD Conference photos available
Education and training news
ITD Alliance member conferences
and other
New EU project launched: SHIELD: Strategic Health Initiatives for Effective Disease Prevention
The groundbreaking SHIELD project, a four-year initiative funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe program, officially commenced on December 1, 2024. With an ambitious mission to revolutionize personalized prevention strategies for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes, SHIELD aims to significantly reduce the global burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
Harnessing Technology for Personalized Prevention
SHIELD integrates multimodal data collection and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to develop risk stratification tools, personalized care plans, and behavior-change interventions. The project focuses on secondary and tertiary prevention, empowering patients with early-diagnosed conditions to manage their health effectively. Additionally, insights derived from SHIELD will inform policies with population-wide health impacts.
Key Objectives
Advanced Risk Stratification: AI-based tools to predict disease progression and stratify patients into risk categories using diverse data sources.
Personalized Care Plans: Patient-specific strategies, leveraging SHIELD’s digital tools and behavioral support systems to encourage adherence.
Clinical Validation: Multi-country pilot studies in Spain, Switzerland, and Italy to test SHIELD interventions in real-world healthcare settings.
Policy Collaboration: Evidence-based health policies fostering collaboration across healthcare providers, policymakers, and behavioral scientists.
Mountain Research and Development Vol 44, No 4 available online and open access
Mountain Research and Developemt
Articles in this open issue’s MountainResearch section present a framework for assessing the benefits and costs of spring revival in Nepal, analyze Iranian herder households’ livelihood choices with a view to poverty alleviation, and examine the prospects of sustainable tourism in southeastern Serbia’s mountain protected areas. In the MountainAgenda section, authors from the Andean Social–Ecological Observatory Network detail the network’s origins, structure, objectives, and strategies. In the MountainPlatform section, the Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences presents its new research concept. Three obituaries and the editorial pay tribute to the journal’s founding editor, Jack D. Ives.
The issue is available online and open access:
Read about the journal’s section policies, guidelines, and submission procedure at:
Four Projects Receive the National Prize for Open Research Data
Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences
The Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences have awarded the National Prize for Open Research Data (ORD Prize) for the second time. The prize recognizes four projects from Swiss research institutions that promote the collaborative and/or interdisciplinary reuse of research data or engage in educational and/or outreach activities related to the reuse of research data.
The award-winning projects for 2024 are Pathoplexus (ETH Zurich, SwissTPH, University of Basel), ROADS (ZHAW), openwashdata (ETH Zurich), and ENAC-IT4Research (EPFL). The total prize money amounts to CHF 21,000.
The awards ceremony took place on 27 November 2024 in Bern.