Publications by the community
On this page you find publications from our community, all around the topic of transdisciplinarity. You are warmly invited to send your own publications via E-Mail to
New in March
Aye, Z. C., Trechsel, L. J., & Lundsgaard-Hansen, L. M. (2025). Key Features of Sustainable North-South Funding Instruments.
Blattner, C. E., Finger, R., & Ingold, K. (2025). Why farmers are beginning to take their government to court over climate change. Nature, 637(8048), 1050–1052.
Hofmann, B., Salomon, H., & Hoffmann, S. (2025). Roles of researchers in inter- and transdisciplinary sustainability research: A reflection tool. Sustainability Science.
Hoffmann, B. (n.d.). Science in the Anthropocene: A transdisciplinary visual exploration in the Icelandic Westfjords by Elisa Debora Hofmann. Retrieved 3 March 2025, from
Lundsgaard-Hansen, L. M., Chi Aye, Z., Douangphachanh, M., Nanhthavong, V., Kaba, M., Kollbrunner, N., Wiesmann, U., Frey, S., Mwangi Wangui, J., & Trechsel, L. J. (2025). Evaluating the Quality of Global Research Partnerships.
Otero, I., Keller, R., Reynard, E., Cracco, M., D’Agostino, A., Schlaepfer, M. A., Honeck, E. C., Pfund, J.-L., Guntern, J., Komossa, F., Purves, R. S., Lehmann, B., Klein, N., & Grêt-Regamey, A. (2024). How can pluralist nature valuation impact Switzerland’s biodiversity? Insights from the ValPar.CH project.
Repko, A., Szostak, R., & Buchberger, M. P. (2025). Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies.
Publications 2014-2025
Aye, Z. C., Trechsel, L. J., & Lundsgaard-Hansen, L. M. (2025). Key Features of Sustainable North-South Funding Instruments.
Blattner, C. E., Finger, R., & Ingold, K. (2025). Why farmers are beginning to take their government to court over climate change. Nature, 637(8048), 1050–1052.
Cvitanovic, C., Karcher, D., Breen, J., Badullovich, N., Cairney, P., Dalla Pozza, R., Duggan, J., Hoffmann, S., Kelly, R., Meadow, A., & Posner, S. (2025). Knowledge brokers at the interface of environmental science and policy: A review of knowledge and research needs. Environmental Science & Policy, 163, 103973.
Ensor, J., Johnson, S., Vorbach, D., & Moir, J. (2025). Equitable technology development: A framework and methods for scientists and engineers. Sustainable Futures, 9, 100451.
Hofmann, B., Salomon, H., & Hoffmann, S. (2025). Roles of researchers in inter- and transdisciplinary sustainability research: A reflection tool. Sustainability Science.
Krebs, M. (2025). Creating Inspiring Workshops and Courses in Transdisciplinarity: A Guide - Manual / Resource - Page 1.
Lundsgaard-Hansen, L. M., Chi Aye, Z., Douangphachanh, M., Nanhthavong, V., Kaba, M., Kollbrunner, N., Wiesmann, U., Frey, S., Mwangi Wangui, J., & Trechsel, L. J. (2025). Evaluating the Quality of Global Research Partnerships.
Nicewonger, T. E., & Amelink, C. T. (2025). Global Insights into Transdisciplinary Higher Education Initiatives.
Pacheco-Vega, R., Hardin, R. D., Coolen, A. C. C., Marcus, G. E., Nierstrasz, C., Sulik, J., van der Leeuw, S. E., Verschure, P. F. M. J., & von Schenk, A. (2025). What Is Collaboration Good For?
Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz. (2024). Tour d’Horizon 2023.
Al-Hoorie, A. H., & AlAwdah, A. A. K. (2024). Transdisciplinary integration for applied linguistics: The case of electrophysiology. Saudi Journal of Language Studies, 4(2), 97–105.
Altobrando, A., & Aurora, S. (n.d.). Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 24/ 2024: Phenomenology and the Sciences - Zeta Books Online. Retrieved 31 July 2024, from
Andrews, L. M., Munaretto, S., Mees, H. L. P., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2024). Conceptualising boundary work activities to enhance credible, salient and legitimate knowledge in sustainability transdisciplinary research projects. Environmental Science & Policy, 155, 103722.
Backhaus-Maul, H., Fücker, S., Grimmig, M., Kamuf, V., Nuske, J., & Quent, M. (2024). Forschungsbasierter Wissenstransfer und gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt.
Bader, C., Bieri, S., Trechsel, L., & Lannen, A. (2024). Fostering Sustainability Through Research and Education? The Transformative Role of Switzerland’s Centre for Development and Environment (CDE). In W. Leal Filho, A. L. Salvia, & C. R. Portela de Vasconcelos (Eds.), An Agenda for Sustainable Development Research (pp. 357–371). Springer Nature Switzerland.
Belcher, B. M., Bonaiuti, E., & Thiele, G. (2024). Applying Theory of Change in research program planning: Lessons from CGIAR. Environmental Science & Policy, 160, 103850.
Berger Ziauddin, S., & Grob, L. (2024). Below Ground. History and Futures of the Underground Frontier—A Living Book.
Burkard, A., & Martena, L. (Eds.). (2024). Denken ohne fachliches Geländer?: Ethik-Unterricht zwischen den Disziplinen. Springer.
Canzler, W., Haus, J., Kellermann, R., Schröder, S., & Thomsen, C. (n.d.). Gemeinsam in Bewegung: Forschung und Praxis für die Mobilitätswende – Sammelband. Retrieved 19 December 2024, from
Cheung, M. (2024). 5 Ideas from Global Diplomacy | Unbuilt Labs, The Global Think Tank Ecosystem. Ground Zero Books LLC.
Costa, L. M., & Loisel, M. T. (2024). Artificial Intelligence and Human Mediation. ATLAS Publishing.
Darbellay, F. (2024). Elgar Encyclopedia of Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Da Silva, L., Guimar˜, G., Martins Da Costa, G., Da, L., Guimarães, S., & Da Costa, M. (2024). Artificial Intelligence and the Transdisciplinary Human Mediation of HPTD-M. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 15, 107–133.
Dettwiler, D., Hoffman, S., & Deutsch, L. (2024). 2024 Action Guide: Strategies to strengthen inter- and transdisciplinarity in your research organization. 224823 Bytes.
Deutsch, L., Björnsen, A., Fischer, A. M., Hama, A. M., Zimmermann, N. E., Zurbrügg, C., & Hoffmann, S. (2024). Herding cats: Integrative leadership strategies in inter- and transdisciplinary research programs. Sustainability Science.
Douglas, H. M., Settles, I. H., Spence Cheruvelil, K., Montgomery, G. M., Elliott, K. C., Cech, E. A., Davis, T. M., Ma, G., Hawkins, A. K., & Nadolsky, L. R. (2024). The importance of inclusive climate within the research group, department, and profession for marginalized science scholars’ career outcomes. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education.
Edlund, J. E., & Nichols, A. L. (Eds.). (2024). The Cambridge Handbook of Research Methods and Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences: Volume 2: Performing Research (Vol. 2). Cambridge University Press.
Ehrensperger, E., Behringer, J., & Decker, M. (Eds.). (2024). Gestreamt, gelikt, flüchtig – schöne neue Kulturwelt? Digitalisierung und Kultur im Licht der Technikfolgenabschätzung (1. Auflage). Nomos.
Elgar Encyclopedia of Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity. (2024). In Elgar Encyclopedia of Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Fischer, C., & Radinger-Peer, V. (2024). How to integrate youth in regional sustainability transformation processes: Tools, structures, and effects. Ambio.
Fischer, C., Radinger-Peer, V., Krainer, L., & Penker, M. (2024). Communication tools and their support for integration in transdisciplinary research projects. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 2024 11:1, 11(1), 1–16.
Foshag, K., Fürle, J., Ludwig, C., Fallmann, J., Lautenbach, S., Rupp, S., Burst, P., Betsch, M., Zipf, A., & Aeschbach, N. (2024). How to Assess the Needs of Vulnerable Population Groups Towards Heat-Sensitive Routing? An Evidence-Based and Practical Approach to Reducing Urban Heat Stress. Erdkunde, 78(1), 1–34.
Forsythe, L., Olaosebikan, O., Teeken, B., Ngoh Newilah, G., Mayanja, S., Nanyonjo, A. R., Iragaba, P., Okoye, B., Marimo, P., Kenneth, A., Adinsi, L., Kendine Vepowo, C., Sounkoura, A., Tinyiro, S. E., Bouniol, A., Dufour, D., Akissoé, N., & Madu, T. (2024). A case of transdisciplinarity and collaborative decision making: The co-construction of Gendered Food Product Profiles. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 104(8), 4485–4497.
Frayssinhes, J. (n.d.). Les Humanités Numériques: Un modèle transdisciplinaire dans l’enseignement/apprentissage. Retrieved 8 February 2024, from
Frayssinhes, J. (2024). Les polycrises dues au réchauffement climatique: Essai d’opérationnalisation d’une réponse transdisciplinaire efficace Polycrises caused by global warming: An attempt to operationalise an effective transdisciplinary response.
Furrer, W., Inderbitzin, R., Giulia, F., Probst, J., Creutzburg, L., Behringer, J., & Hilty, L. M. (2024). Wege zur Suffizienz | oekom verlag.
Giulio, A. D., & Defila, R. (2024). Technology assessment as transdisciplinary research. In Handbook of Technology Assessment (pp. 354–364). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Gonser, M., & Zimmer, K. (2024). Kompetenzen für den Transfer zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis – Vorschlag einer Systematisierung. In J. Schuster, J. Hugo, N. Bremm, N. Kolleck, & E. Zala-Mezö (Eds.), Wissensproduktion, Wissensmobilisierung und Wissenstransfer (1st ed., pp. 13–26). Verlag Barbara Budrich.
Grigorieva, E. A. (2024). Climate Change and Human Health in the Arctic: A Review. Climate, 12(7), Article 7.
Harris, F., Lyon, F., Sioen, G. B., & Ebi, K. L. (2024). Working with the tensions of transdisciplinary research: A review and agenda for the future of knowledge co-production in the Anthropocene. Global Sustainability, 7, e13.
Hernaiz-Agreda, N., Soto-González, M. D., & Rodríguez-López, R. (2024). Development of Transdisciplinary and Complex Learning in Inclusive Educational Practices. Education Sciences, 14(3), Article 3.
Horcea-Milcu, A.-I., Dorresteijn, I., Leventon, J., Stojanovic, M., Lam, D. P. M., Lang, D. J., Moriggi, A., Raymond, C. M., Stålhammar, S., Weiser, A., & Zimmermann, S. (2024). Transformative research for sustainability: Characteristics, tensions, and moving forward. Global Sustainability, 7, e14.
Horn, A., Visser, M. W., Pittens, C. A. C. M., Urias, E., Zweekhorst, M. B. M., & van Dijk, G. M. (2024). Transdisciplinary learning trajectories: Developing action and attitude in interplay. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(1), 1–13.
Ibrahim, U., & Prior, J. (2024). Planetary Health Governance: A Tool of Transdisciplinary Collaborations for Sustainable Development. In W. L. Filho, D. G. Vidal, & M. A. P. Dinis (Eds.), Planetary Health and Climate Change: Understanding the Impacts of Climate Change to the Well-Being of Our Planet (pp. 363–381). Springer Nature Switzerland.
Jones, R., Reid, P., & Macmillan, A. (2024). An Indigenous climate justice policy analysis tool. Climate Policy, 0(0), 1–16.
Kara, H. (2024). The Bloomsbury Handbook of Creative Research Methods.
KFPE. (2024). Swiss science diplomacy – strategies, instruments and implications for international cooperation.
Khuri, S., Patel, S., Baker, K., Mutili, F., Griffiths, M., Puri, N., & Kilner, T. (2024). 14 Inclusive Practice Glossary 15 for Facilitators.
King, J. (2024). Assessment in Sustainability Education: Learning Towards Innovations in Transdisciplinary Practice. Arizona State University.
Koutsoumpeli, E., Ashton, R., Hunter, D., Walker, H., Chowdhury, K., Vorbach, D., Ensor, J., Moir, J. W. B., & Johnson, S. (2024). Co-Development of Technology for Measuring Faecal Contamination of Drinking Water. In Engineering For Social Change (pp. 2–11). IOS Press.
Kovács, K. (2024). Case Study Guides.
Laursen, B., Vienni-Baptista, B., Bammer, G., Di Giulio, A., Paulsen, T., Robson-Williams, M., & Studer, S. (2024). Toolkitting: An unrecognized form of expertise for overcoming fragmentation in inter- and transdisciplinarity. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(1), 1–10.
Lawrence, R. (2024). Trans disciplinary architectures: Reconnecting theories, research and practices. Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research.
Lawrence, R. J. (2024). Cultivating trans-disciplinarity: Transcending and transgressing research methods. Global Social Challenges Journal, 1(aop), 1–11.
Lentillon-Kaestner, V., & Cece, V. (Eds.). (2024). Les différences entre élèves en éducation physique: Un regard à 360 degrés ! Peter Lang Verlag.
LERU. (2024). How to Enhance Education for Sustainable Development.
Lewis, A. L., Providoli, I., Sundermann, A., Frank, A., Fischer, D., Frank, P., Studer, M., Trechsel, L. J., Tormey, R., & Wamsler, C. (2024). Addressing Inner Dimensions for Sustainability in Higher Education – A Facilitator Guide. University of Bern.
Masson, J. E. (2024). Participatory-action research leading to transformation of scientific disciplines’ interrelations, research paths, actors’ reasoning, and viticultural practices. Natures Sciences Sociétés.
McGregor, S. L. T. (2024). RUSSIAN SCHOOL OF TRANSDISCIPLINARITY AS A METADISCIPLINE. Universum:Social Science, 106(3).
Misra, S., Rippy, M. A., & Grant, S. B. (2024). Analyzing knowledge integration in convergence research. Environmental Science & Policy, 162, 103902.
Mokiy, V. (2024). Global conflict: Analysis of non-political factors and possible non-violent solutions in the context of sustainable development. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 15.
Noll, D., Petridis, P., Gingrich, S., Skoulikidis, N., Singh, S. J., Jongen, M., Papaioannou, G., & Fischer-Kowalski, M. (2024). Insights into 15 years of transdisciplinary research on a small Greek island. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 33(1), 35–43.
Nölting, B. (2024). Nachhaltigkeitstransfer an Hochschulen. In Nachhaltige Entwicklung von Hochschulen (pp. 87–114). Verlag Barbara Budrich.
Otero, I., Keller, R., Reynard, E., Cracco, M., D’Agostino, A., Schlaepfer, M. A., Honeck, E. C., Pfund, J.-L., Guntern, J., Komossa, F., Purves, R. S., Lehmann, B., Klein, N., & Grêt-Regamey, A. (2024). How can pluralist nature valuation impact Switzerland’s biodiversity? Insights from the ValPar.CH project.
Özdamar, E. G. (2024). Charrettes for Developing a Transdisciplinary Approach in Urban Housing. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 15.
Pearce, B. B. J., Dallo, I., & Antwi, H. S. (2024). Handbook—Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary reserach.
Proedrou, F., & Pournara, M. (2024). Exploring representations of climate change as ecocide: Implications for climate policy. Climate Policy, 0(0), 1–14.
Regeer, B. J., Klaassen, P., & Broerse, J. E. W. (Eds.). (2024). Transdisciplinarity for Transformation: Responding to Societal Challenges through Multi-actor, Reflexive Practices. Springer International Publishing.
Roggero, P., & Depaulis, A. (2024). NAISSANCE DE LA TRANSDISCIPLINARITÉ. L’Harmattan.
Rombach, S., Wagner-Ahlfs, C., Riekhof, M.-C., & Oppelt, N. (2024). Transdisciplinary Research in Marine Science: What’s the added value of involving stakeholders? Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 15.
Roose, I., Bassen, A., Briese, L., de Haan, G., Gansel, E., Klußmann, C., Lindemann, M., Niemann, A., & Sassen, R. (2024). Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung im Kontext einer gesamtinstitutionellen Nachhaltigen Entwicklung von Hochschulen. Nachhaltige Entwicklung von Hochschulen, 167–190.
Salmela, M., Baptista, B. V., & Cheas, K. (2024). Tieteidenväliset ja transtieteiset tutkijat: Tieteen rikkaruohoja vai sen queerejä edelläkävijöitä? Tiedepolitiikka, 49(1), Article 1.
Sánchez, M. A. S., Moreno-Calles, A. I., Hernández López, J. de J., & Casas, A. (2024). Collaborative, situated, and critical methodologies in transdisciplinary agroecologies for life sustainability. Discover Sustainability, 5(1), 256.
Schäfer, M., Nagy, E., & Kny, J. (2024). Fostering reflective impact orientation in transdisciplinary research–A multi-method workshop format. Methods X, 13.
Seiferth, C., Tengö, M., & Andersson, E. (2024). Designing for collective action: A knowledge co-production process to address water governance challenges on the island of Öland, Sweden. Sustainability Science.
Settles, I. H., Jones, M. K., Buchanan, N. T., Dotson, K., Grower, P., O’Rourke, M., Rinkus, M., & Latimer, K. (2024a). Epistemic exclusion: A theory for understanding racism in faculty research evaluations. American Psychologist, 79(4), 539–552.
Swiss Academies for Arts and Sciences. (2024). Citizen Science in Switzerland: Taking Stock and Ways into the Future.
Szostak, R. (2024). Handbook of Interdisciplinary Teaching and Administration.
Szostak, R. (2024). Interdisciplinary and Integrative Research. In A. L. Nichols & J. E. Edlund (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Research Methods and Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences: Volume 2: Performing Research (Vol. 2, pp. 261–282). Cambridge University Press.
Urban, M. C., Alberti, M., De Meester, L., Zhou, Y., Verrelli, B. C., Szulkin, M., Schmidt, C., Savage, A. M., Roberts, P., Rivkin, L. R., Palkovacs, E. P., Munshi-South, J., Malesis, A. N., Harris, N. C., Gotanda, K. M., Garroway, C. J., Diamond, S. E., Roches, S. D., Charmantier, A., & Brans, K. I. (2024). Interactions between climate change and urbanization will shape the future of biodiversity. Nature Climate Change, 14(5), 436–447.
Vergel de Dios, V.-I. (2024). Answering the “Now What?”: The Development of a Transdisciplinary Breast Cancer Survivorship Nonprofit Organization. CGU Theses & Dissertations.
Vienni-Baptista, B. (2024). Investigating Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity: How Meta-Ethnography Contributes to the Study of Collaborative Research Practices. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 23.
Waldt, G. van der. (2024). Constructing theoretical frameworks in social science research. The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa, 20(1), Article 1.
Wiefek, J., Nagy, E., & Schäfer, M. (2024). Formative evaluation of transdisciplinary research for systematic impact orientation in real-world laboratories. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 33(1), 94–101.
Aguilar-Gordón, F. del R., Collado Ruano, J., Touriñán-López, J. M., Bolaños-Vivas, R. F., Moreno-Guaicha, J. A., Estrada-García, A., Marcelín-Alvarado, M. A., Galeffi, D. A., Pasquier, F., Aguilar-Forero, N., Álvarez-Monsalve, E., Mena-Zamora, A. A., Llerena-Companioni, O., Barzaga- Sablón, O. S., Zita Zambrano, G., Vaca-Cárdenas, E., Cruz-Álvarez, Y. B., Tubay-Zambrano, F., Urbina Velasco, C. J., … Silva-Amino, C. (2023). Formación docente desde la filosofía educativa transdisciplinaria.
Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz. (2024). Tour d’Horizon 2023.
Alexander, K. P., & Radermecker, A.-S. (2023). Towards Transdisciplinarity: Current and Future Perspectives on Art Markets Studies / Auf dem Weg zur Transdisziplinarität: Aktuelle und zukünftige Perspektiven auf die Kunstmarktf.
Alves, G., Trujillo, J., & Dias, M. (2023). algo+ritmo: Reflexões sobre ensino, pesquisa e extensão em arquitetura e urbanismo. ProBooks.
Archibald, M. M., Lawless, M. T., de Plaza, M. A. P., & Kitson, A. L. (2023). How transdisciplinary research teams learn to do knowledge translation (KT), and how KT in turn impacts transdisciplinary research: A realist evaluation and longitudinal case study. Health Research Policy and Systems, 21(1), 20.
Arnold, M. (2023). Introduction: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Social Work Management Education in Higher Education. Handbook of Applied Teaching and Learning in Social Work Management Education, 1–20.
Arpin, I., Likhacheva, K., & Bretagnolle, V. (2023). Organising inter- and transdisciplinary research in practice. The case of the meta-organisation French LTSER platforms. Environmental Science & Policy, 144, 43–52.
Aruna Padmanabhan, M., & Winarto, Y. T. (2023). Knowledge in the making: Embodying transdisciplinary moments on organic agriculture in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Baker, V., Ataria, J., Ankeny, R., & Bray, H. (2023). Transdisciplinary science and the importance of Indigenous knowledge. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management.
Barth, M., Jiménez-Aceituno, A., Lam, D. P., Bürgener, L., & Lang, D. J. (2023). Transdisciplinary learning as a key leverage for sustainability transformations. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 64, 101361.
Berlowitz, I., García Torres, E., Maake, C., Wolf, U., & Martin-Soelch, C. (2023). Indigenous-Amazonian Traditional Medicine’s Usage of the Tobacco Plant: A Transdisciplinary Ethnopsychological Mixed-Methods Case Study. Plants 2023, Vol. 12, Page 346, 12(2), 346.
Bernert, P., Wahl, D., von Wehrden, H., & Lang, D. J. (2023). Cross-case knowledge transfer in transformative research: Enabling learning in and across sustainability-oriented labs through case reporting. Urban Transformations 2023 5:1, 5(1), 1–19.
Bird, S., Hosseini, M., & Plemmons, D. K. (2023). Authors Without Borders.
Boutet, D. (2023). L’intelligence de l’art.
Cabrera, D., Cabrera, L. L., & Midgley, G. (2023). The Four Waves of Systems Thinking. Journal of Systems Thinking, 1–51.
Caniglia, G., & Vogel, C. (2023). On being oriented Strengthening transgressive orientations in transdisciplinary sustainability research through queer theory. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 32(1), 167–171.
Carusi, A., Clerbaux, L.-A., & Wittwehr, C. (2023). How to Catalyze a Collaboration.
Chira, V. (2023). Metaphysics of cosmological models.
Claus, R., Davel, R., Heykoop, C., Pinto, D., & Belcher, B. M. (2023). How to build Theories of Change for transdisciplinary research: Guidance and considerations. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 32(1), 186–196.
Córdoba-Pachón, J. R. (2023). Ritual and systems thinking: Managing an initial encounter. Ritual and Systems Thinking: Managing an Initial Encounter, 1–111.
Craike, M., Klepac, B., Mowle, A., & Riley, T. (2023). Theory of systems change: An initial, middle-range theory of public health research impact. Research Evaluation.
DA SILVA GUIMARÃES MARTINS DA COSTA, L. (2023). The Mediating Manager for Effective Troubleshooting in Organizations: A Transdisciplinary View from HPTD-M. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 14.
Danielle Boutet. (2023). L’intelligence de l?art.
Darbellay, F. (2023). Interdisciplinarity, Team Science, and the Next Generation of Researchers: The Children’s Drawings of Gods Project Experience. New Approaches to the Scientific Study of Religion, 12, 489–500.
Darbellay, F., Moody, Z., & Lubart, T. (2023). Creativity, Intelligence, and Collaboration in 21st Century Education: An Interdisciplinary Challenge. 298.
de Geus, T., Avelino, F., Strumińska-Kutra, M., Pitzer, M., Wittmayer, J. M., Hendrikx, L., Joshi, V., Schrandt, N., Widdel, L., Fraaije, M., Iskandarova, M., Hielscher, S., & Rogge, K. (2023). Making sense of power through transdisciplinary sustainability research: Insights from a Transformative Power Lab. Sustainability Science, 18(3), 1311–1327.
Deibl, I., Tulis, M., & Warto, P. (2023). Bd. 18 Nr. 4 (2023): Nachhaltige Lehre – Nachhaltige Bildungsinstitution Hochschule | Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung.
Deutsch, S., Keller, R., Krug, C. B., & Michel, A. H. (2023). Transdisciplinary transformative change: An analysis of some best practices and barriers, and the potential of critical social science in getting us there. Biodiversity and Conservation.
Djinlev, V., Dallo, I., Müller, S. M., Surchat, M., von Rothkirch, J., Wenger, A., & Späth, L. (2023). Challenges and strategies in transdisciplinary research ‐ early career researchers’ perspectives. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 32(1), 172–177.
Donnelly, G., & Montuori, A. (2023). Routledge handbook for creative futures.
Durán, A. P., Kuiper, J. J., Aguiar, A. P. D., Cheung, W. W. L., Diaw, M. C., Halouani, G., Hashimoto, S., Gasalla, M. A., Peterson, G. D., Schoolenberg, M. A., Abbasov, R., Acosta, L. A., Armenteras, D., Davila, F., Denboba, M. A., Harrison, P. A., Harhash, K. A., Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen, S., Kim, H. J., … Pereira, L. M. (2023). Bringing the Nature Futures Framework to life: Creating a set of illustrative narratives of nature futures. Sustainability Science, 20, 1–20.
European University of the Seas. (2023). Involving Stakeholders—A good practice guide for Transdisciplinarity.
Formación docente desde la filosofía educativa transdisciplinaria. (2023).
Frayssinhes, J. (n.d.). LHUMAINE N° 2 | 2023 Langage et pensée complexe: Le cas de la transdisciplinarité Sous titre par défaut.
Frayssinhes, J. (2023). Philosophie et Transdisciplinarite: Le Cas de la Crise du Covid-19.
Fritz, L., Hansmann, R., Dalimier, B., & Binder, C. R. (2023). Perceived impacts of the Fridays for Future climate movement on environmental concern and behaviour in Switzerland. Sustainability Science, 1, 1–26.
Gajary, L. C., Misra, S., Desai, A., Evasius, D. M., Frechtling, J., Pendlebury, D. A., Schnell, J. D., Silverstein, G., & Wells, J. (2023). Convergence Research as a ‘System-of-Systems’: A Framework and Research Agenda. Minerva, 62(2), 253–286.
Gasparatos, A., Rigolot, C., & Pereira, L. M. (2023). Editorial: Transdisciplinary research for understanding and transforming food systems. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7, 1296257.
Ghirardello, L., & Isetti, G. (2023). Is tragedy the true language of science? Unleashing the emotional power of theatrical storytelling for climate change communication. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 32(3), 296–303.
Gluckman, P., & Kaiser, M. (2023). Looking at the Future of Transdisciplinary Research. Centre for Science Futures.
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