Vision | Mission
The td-net addresses the concerns of researchers and research funders in the field of inter- and transdisciplinary research and teaching.
As a platform, td-net promotes mutual learning between interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary researchers and teachers across disciplinary, linguistic and national borders, thus contributing to the development of a professional community.
As a centre of excellence, td-net has expertise, methods and tools for the co-production of knowledge. With these competences, it supports inter- and transdisciplinary research and teaching projects and leads them to success.
The td-net supports the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences in promoting exchange and cooperation among disciplines and between science and society.
Areas of activity of the td-net

Ever since 2008, the td-net has been an initiative of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences. It was launched in 2000 by the Swiss Academic Society for Environmental Research and Ecology (SAGUF). In 2003 it was taken over by the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) and has since been managed with the support of its sister academies. The network was initiated to promote transdisciplinary orientation in various areas of research. The starting point is the experience gained in environmental and sustainability research.
Further articles
Hirsch Hadorn G 2002. Vom sagufnet zur Plattform transdisciplinarity-net. GAIA 11(3): 227-231.
Pohl C & Hirsch Hadorn G 2010. "td-net—the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences' forum for transdisciplinary research". In Frodeman R, Thompson Klein J and Mitcham C. The Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity, pp 434-436. Oxford: Oxford University Press.