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Swiss Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Day 2013 - Exchange platform for interdisciplinary researchers

October 21 2013, Theatersaal Hotel National, Bern

Inter- and transdisciplinary research is undertaken at many research institutions in Switzerland. Researchers in this area often only feel part of their disciplinary community and are less aware of the shared concerns and needs across a variety of fields. As a result there is no research community representing this form of research. (see also networking project)
In 2006, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) decided to introduce the funding scheme "Interdisciplinary projects", which takes account of the special needs of interdisciplinary research. A new evaluation body, the Specialised Committee Interdisciplinary Research (FA-ID), was established to evaluate interdisciplinary proposals. The Network for Transdisciplinary Research (td-net) of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences is mandated to bring together trans- and interdisciplinary teaching staff and researchers in Switzerland and to help raise their profile.
The td-net and the SNSF are both of the opinion that it is necessary to establish a sense of community and to forge links with research funding institutions by fostering communication among researchers as well as between researchers and funding bodies so as to strengthen and advance inter- and transdisciplinary research in Switzerland.
On the occasion of the "Swiss Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Day", the winners of the swiss-academies award for transdisciplinary research (td-award) will be honoured. The prize is awarded in recognition of outstanding achievements in transdisciplinary research. It also aims to contribute to the scientific recognition of transdisciplinary research and create an incentive for young researchers to push the boundaries of transdisciplinary research



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3001 Bern

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