Swiss Inter- and Transdisicplinarity Day 2016 - How to develop a successful inter- and transdisciplinary proposal – Bringing together researchers' and funders' perspectives
November 7, 2016, University of Lucerne, Frohburgstrasse 3, 6005 Luzern

Programme and presesntations
The 2016 Swiss Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Day was organised by td-net in collaboration with the University of Lucerne.
The Swiss Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Day 2016 addressed the framing phase of inter- and transdisciplinary projects. This very important phase includes elaborating the life-world and scientific goals, analysing context and actors in the field of the project, involving representatives from the disciplines and stakeholders in the respective field, defining the scientific work plan and stakeholder engagement concept, finding potential funding bodies and writing a proposal.
The framing phase poses several challenges that were discussed at the conference, including:
The design of the process, finding suitable methods to deliberatively frame a project with representatives from different disciplines and stakeholders.
Finding resources to conduct the funding phase and finding suitable research funders to submit the proposal.
At the Conference we shared experiences of inter- and transdisciplinary project framing phases and proposal elaboration. Furthermore we invited research funders to discuss ideas about funding of framing phases as well as ways to submit the elaborated proposals.
Examples of inter- and transdisciplinary project framing and proposal development were presented from projects funded by the „Sustainable Development at Universities Programme“ and from an open call.