Agenda Community
Hier erhalten Sie einen Überblick über alle aktuellen Events sowie die in den nächsten Monaten anstehenden Veranstaltungen. Die Webseite wird stetig aktualisiert. Falls Sie Mitteilungen haben, die Sie kommunizieren möchten, zögern Sie nicht Kontakt mit uns aufzunehmen.
März 2025
Methoden am Montag: Three Types of Knowledge
3 März, online - td-net, Universität Zürich
"International Integration: How do we know if it's working?" - Colleen Cuddy
11 March, online - INTEREACH
Decolonizing Museums and Colonial Collections
12 - 14 March, Figueira da Foz - Various organizers
Second Rostock Open Science Workshop
17 - 18 March, Rostock - Max Plank Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR)
Art of Participatory Leadership Workshop
19 - 22 March, Geneva - Art of Participatory Leadership Program
ACTS Webinar: Building Bridges: Strengthening the Relationship Between Science Research and the Public
20 March, Online - RENCI Team Science
Repenser les Temporalités d'une Transition Ecologique Juste et Durable #1
22 Mars, Genève - Institut Sunkhronos
Community of Practice Meeting: Developing Teaching and Learning at the Science-Policy Interface (SPI)
25 March, Dübendorf - Eawag
Suffizienz als Strategie für Nachhaltigkeit und wirtschaftliche Gerechtigkeit
27. März, Zürich - Sustainability Hub, Universität Zürich
April 2025
Online course on PPI for SNSF IICT grant applicants
1 April, online - swiss clinical trial organisation
GTPF Jahrestagung
2./3. April, Frankfurt - Gesellschaft für transdiziplinäre und partizipative Forschung e.V.
Information event «CAS One Health»
3 April, online - University of Bern
Repenser les Temporalités d'une Transition Ecologique Juste et Durable #2
05 Avril, Genève - Institut Sunkhronos
Methoden am Montag: Nomadic Concepts
7 April, online - td-net, Universität Zürich
14e « Rencontre philosophique », autour d’ATD Quart Monde : les savoirs de la grande pauvreté
8 Avril, online - CIRET, Le Journal des chercheurs
9e journée d?innovation pédagogique - Quelles pédagogies das un monde en transformation?
10 Avril, Genève - HES-SO
BaselEduCa Expo - 6th International Education & Career Exhibition
10 April, Basel - Institute for Peace and Dialogue
Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching Conference: Interdisciplinary Integration
10 April, London - London School of Economics
People, land and culture: indigenous perspectives on sufficiency
10 April, Zürich - Universität Zürich
Agora der Zukunftsvögel
24 - 27 April, Hölstein - Festivitas Space
Mai 2025
Methoden am Montag: Storywall
5 Mai, online - td-net, Universität Zürich
Suffizienz als Naturschutz - Natur als Lebensgrundlage
8 Mai, Zürich - Universität Zürich
Repenser les Temporalités d'une Transition Ecologique Juste et Durable #3
10 Mai, Genève - Institut Sunkhronos
"International Integration: How do we know if it's working?" - Maritza Salazar Campo
13 May, online - INTEREACH
Podiumsdiskussion: Wo ist die Sehnsucht nach Transformation? Ein Zukunftsgespräch über Wissenschaft
14. Mai, Berlin - Berlin University Alliance
Sustainable food production and consumption
15 Mai, Zürich - Universität Zürich
Commoning for sufficiency
22 Mai, Zürich - Universität Zürich
Juni 2025
SCTO Symposium 2025 - Bridging the divide: Integrating clinical trails with medical care
3 June 2025, Basel - Swiss Clinical Trial Organisation SCTO
47th annual Association for Interdisciplinary Studies conference: Shaping the future in the era of polycrisis
4 - 6 June, Oulu - Association for Interdisciplinary Studies, Oulu University of Applied Sciences, University of Oulu
CitSciHelvetia'25 - "Citizen Science in Action - Collaboration between Civic Society and Academia"
5 - 6 June, Lausanne - CitSciHelvetia, University of Lausanne
GIS and spatial analysis in interdisciplinary research
16 - 20 June, Rostock - Max Planck Institute for Demgraphic Research
SSH Energy 2025 - Futuring inter- and transdisciplinary energy research, for whom, by whom?
16 - 17 June, Zurich - ETH Zurich
SRI2025: Be the progress towards sustainability
16 - 19 June, Chicago, online - SRI Congress
Annual Conference - AI in Global Research Partnerships
20 June, Bern - KFPE/GRP-Alliance
The Earth’s Aliveness - a journey to our Planet’s microbiome
22 June, Zurich - WorldEthicForum
Juli 2025
ipd International Summer Academy
01 - 10 July, Baku - Institute for Peace and Dialogue
SCiTS 2025 Conference: Team Science: The next Generation of Researchers and Practitioners
28 - 30 July, online - INSciTS
August 2025
International Conference on Thermodynamics 2.0 - where Natural Sciences meet Social Sciences
5 - 7 August, Boone, NC, USA - International Association for the Integration of Science and Engineering
Sommer School: Inter-and Transdisciplinary Integration in Science, Policy and Practice
18 - 22 August, Zurich - ETH Zurich
September 2025
International Creative Research Methods Conference
08 - 09 September, Manchester - Social Research Association, Helen Kara
STS-CH Conference 2025: Holding things togehter? Change, continutiy, critique
10 - 12 September, Zurich - ETH Zurich, University of Zurich, ZHdK
Team Science Workshop
15 - 16 September, Fort Collins - Team Science Consultants
Oktober 2025
Transformative Change for a Just and Sustainable Future
20 - 23 October, South Bend - National Sustainability Society
Governance, Design and Delivery of Interdisciplinary Higher Education
27 - 31 October, Utrecht - Utrecht University
November 2025
Cérémonie de remise des prix 2025 - Prix national des donnés de recherche ouvertes
27 novembre, Berne - ORD