Network for Transdisciplinary Research

Notre contribution pour faire face aux défis sociétaux complexes: Nous mettons en réseau les communautés scientifiques, soutenons les carrières transdisciplinaires et renforçons le développement des compétences et des méthodes.

International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2017 

Transdisciplinary Research and Education — Intercultural Endeavours

September 11-15, 2017, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany


Centro Universitario de Tacuarembó, Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay 

Workshop: Transdisciplinarity as a means for Sustainable and Local Development: the case of Tacuarembó

Date: 6 September 2017

The purpose of the workshop is to bring together actors with different experiences on inter- and transdisciplinary work, and to reflect on the learning processes they have gone through. The question that will guide the discussion is: "How was the dialogue among the actors achieved during the inter- or transdisciplinary initiative and how did they elaborate and carry out the proposal?" Different institutions from Tacuarembó are being invited to present their experiences and to build stronger links with the Centro Universitario, which is currently building its inter-institutional campus. 


Participants and organizers of Co-conferences do not pay a fee but have to register in our website. Please do inform the local participants of this requisite in advance. Certificates will be provided only to registered participants. Registration ended.

For questions about the Co-conferences, please contact Bianca Vienni

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