Network for Transdisciplinary Research

Notre contribution pour faire face aux défis sociétaux complexes: Nous mettons en réseau les communautés scientifiques, soutenons les carrières transdisciplinaires et renforçons le développement des compétences et des méthodes.

ITD Conferences

Every two years, td-net organises the "International Transdisciplinarity (ITD) Conference" in cooperation with various partners to promote the exchange of inter- and transdisciplinary teachers and researchers from all over the world. 


Alternately, the Swiss sister conference "Swiss Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Day (ITD-CH)" also takes place every two years. The conference serves to network the Swiss specialist community and invites the exchange of experiences on methods and current challenges. 

ITD 2024

Inter- and Transdisciplinarity beyond Buzzwords - 4th to 8th November 2024, Utrecht


Educational Pathways for Sustainable Research Collaborations

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3001 Berne

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