Network for Transdisciplinary Research

Notre contribution pour faire face aux défis sociétaux complexes: Nous mettons en réseau les communautés scientifiques, soutenons les carrières transdisciplinaires et renforçons le développement des compétences et des méthodes.


Les événements organisés ou co-organisés par le td-net sont marqués comme suit : [td-net]

Événements continus

Decembre 2024

Janiver 2025

Methoden am Montag: Theory of Change

    6 Januar, online - td-net, University of Zurich


"International Integration: How do we know if it's working?" - LaKaija Johnson

   14 January, online - INTEREACH


"Gesellschaft des Genug": Zu den Perspektiven kommunaler Suffizienz

   16 Januar. Zürich - ZKSD


Scientific Communtiy Engagement Fundamentals (CEF)

   17 January - 7 March, Tuesdays and Fridays, online - Center for Scientific Collaboration and Communtiy Engagement


Citizen Science Winter School 2025 - Participation, Power and Perspective

   19 - 24 January, Zürich  - Universtiy of Zurich


Winter School: Co-designing pathways for transformative change

   23 - 31 January, online - Centre for Development and Evironment, University of Bern


Content Design

   28 January - 7 March, Tuesdays and Fridays, online - Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement

Février 2025

Methoden am Montag: Functional-dynamic Stakeholder Involvement

   3 Februar, online - td-net, Universität Zürich


2nd conference of the SNLS: Law and/in the Anthropocene

   10 - 12 February 2025, Bern - Swiss Network for Law and Society


Klimakrise: Stehen wir am Abgrund oder sind wir schon einen Schritt weiter?

   25. Februar 2025, Rapperswil - OST

Mars 2025

Methoden am Montag: Three Types of Knowledge

   3 März, online - td-net, Universität Zürich


"International Integration: How do we know if it's working?" - Colleen Cuddy

   11 March, online - INTEREACH


Second Rostock Open Science Workshop

    17 - 18 March, Rostock - Max Plank Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR)


Art of Participatory Leadership Workshop

   19 - 22 March, Geneva - Art of Participatory Leadership Program

Avril 2025

Methoden am Montag: Nomadic Concepts

   7 April, online - td-net, Universität Zürich


Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching Conference: Interdisciplinary Integration

   10 April, London - London School of Economics

Mai 2025

Methoden am Montag: Storywall

   5 Mai, online - td-net, Universität Zürich


"International Integration: How do we know if it's working?" - Maritza Salazar Campo

   13 May, online - INTEREACH

Juin 2025

47th annual Association for Interdisciplinary Studies conference: Shaping the future in the era of polycrisis

   4 - 6 June, Oulu - Association for Interdisciplinary Studies, Oulu University of Applied Sciences, University of Oulu


CitSciHelvetia'25 - "Citizen Science in Action - Collaboration between Civic Society and Academia"

   5 - 6 June, Lausanne - CitSciHelvetia, University of Lausanne


SRI2025: Be the progress towards sustainability

   16 - 19 June, Chicago, online - SRI Congress

Juillet 2025

Aôut 2025

Septembre 2025

STS-CH Conference 2025: Holding things togehter? Change, continutiy, critique

   10 - 12 September, Zurich - ETH Zurich, University of Zurich, ZHdK

Newsletter td-info

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