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NRP 81
The Swiss National Science Foundation has approved 13 projects for the National Research Programme "Baukultur" (NRP 81).
In early December 2024, the Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation decided to approve 13 projects for the National Research Programme "Baukultur" (NRP 81), as proposed by the Steering Committee. NRP 81 aims to improve our understanding of processes in the built environment. Specifically, the programme aims to link Baukultur with social and ecological transition and to establish new collaborations and strengthen existing ones with institutions and civil society.
NRP 83
Following recommendation by the Steering Committee, the Research Council has decided to grant 19 projects for a total budget of 9.6 Mio CHF, to foster research in gender medicine and health. The projects will start in early 2025.
Clinical studies, medical education, AI, mental health, ethics, prevention, epidemiology are all coming together to reduce biases on Sex (biological attributes) and gender (sociocultural factors) in the Swiss health system. Of the 32 pre-selected projects, 19 have finally been granted for a total budget of 9.6 million CHF.
Students and lecturers from all departments will transform Strandbad Tiefenbrunnen in Zurich into a unique space for connection, experience, and reflection on water as part of Urban Waters from 1 to 23 February 2025.
Urban Waters explores the theme of water in urban spaces, inviting visitors to rediscover the ecological, social, and cultural significance of water through art and sensory experiences. The park at Strandbad Tiefenbrunnen will feature a total of ten art installations. From Friday to Sunday, an extensive programme of performances, readings, workshops, concerts, and more will take place.
The park at Strandbad Tiefenbrunnen is open daily from 7:30 am to 7:30 pm, and all art installations as well as the entire programme are free of charge. Further details and the complete programme can be found on the website.
Urban Waters is supported by the Canton of Zurich as part of the #hallowasser project.
The groundbreaking SHIELD project, a four-year initiative funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe program, officially commenced on December 1, 2024. With an ambitious mission to revolutionize personalized prevention strategies for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes, SHIELD aims to significantly reduce the global burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
Harnessing Technology for Personalized Prevention
SHIELD integrates multimodal data collection and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to develop risk stratification tools, personalized care plans, and behavior-change interventions. The project focuses on secondary and tertiary prevention, empowering patients with early-diagnosed conditions to manage their health effectively. Additionally, insights derived from SHIELD will inform policies with population-wide health impacts.
Key Objectives
Mountain Research and Developemt
Articles in this open issue’s MountainResearch section present a framework for assessing the benefits and costs of spring revival in Nepal, analyze Iranian herder households’ livelihood choices with a view to poverty alleviation, and examine the prospects of sustainable tourism in southeastern Serbia’s mountain protected areas. In the MountainAgenda section, authors from the Andean Social–Ecological Observatory Network detail the network’s origins, structure, objectives, and strategies. In the MountainPlatform section, the Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences presents its new research concept. Three obituaries and the editorial pay tribute to the journal’s founding editor, Jack D. Ives.
The issue is available online and open access:
Read about the journal’s section policies, guidelines, and submission procedure at:
Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences
The Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences have awarded the National Prize for Open Research Data (ORD Prize) for the second time. The prize recognizes four projects from Swiss research institutions that promote the collaborative and/or interdisciplinary reuse of research data or engage in educational and/or outreach activities related to the reuse of research data.
The award-winning projects for 2024 are Pathoplexus (ETH Zurich, SwissTPH, University of Basel), ROADS (ZHAW), openwashdata (ETH Zurich), and ENAC-IT4Research (EPFL). The total prize money amounts to CHF 21,000.
The awards ceremony took place on 27 November 2024 in Bern.
ITD Alliance
In early December, ITD Alliance President, Professor Gabriele Bammer was recognised with the Peter Baume Award, the Australian National University’s most prestigious accolade, awarded for “eminent achievement and merit of the highest order”. Specific mention was made of her work on Integration and Implementation Sciences (i2S). More Information
As a leader, are you prone to defensiveness, blame and avoidance? Is your team trapped in a similar pattern? What is the alternative and how to get there?
The Conscious Leadership framework’s 15 commitments (Dethmer, Chapman and Klemp, 2014) offer powerful tools for addressing these questions. Central to this framework is the distinction between operating “above the line,” which involves openness, curiosity, and a commitment to growth, and “below the line,” characterized by defensiveness, blame, and avoidance. The first three commitments—taking radical responsibility, learning through curiosity, and feeling all feelings—serve as foundational steps for leaders and teams to maintain an “above the line” mindset. This post explores these commitments and the associated tools to empower leaders in guiding their teams from below to above the line.
Science et Cité
The Office for Citizen Science in Switzerland is celebrating a huge milestone with the report «Citizen Science in Switzerland». From now on, it serves as a working basis for exchanges about ways into the future with the community, as it was the case at a workshop in end of October. The central question was: How can we implement the recommended measures of the report?
International Network for the Science of Team Science
Podcast Episode: Recent studies in team science highlight the importance of individual motivations, reflective practices, and competency development in fostering effective collaborative research. Research conducted by Professor Gaetano Lotrecchiano at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences along with scholars from around the country, sheds light on how researchers can better prepare for and engage in team science, addressing complex challenges in scientific collaboration.
swiss academies of arts and sciences
At its meeting on 8 November 2024, the Swiss Conference of Higher Education Institutions passed the Ordinance on Quality Assurance in the Area of Scientific Integrity. This resolved to set up a Competence Centre for Scientific Integrity Switzerland. The Competence Centre will act in an advisory capacity for higher education institutions when it comes to scientific integrity in addition to gathering data on scientific integrity in Switzerland.
Key issues in developing leadership skills are described by Gemma Jiang in this blog entriy. They include the importance of influencing change (taskwork) & influencing a collective (teamwork). Three challenges for team leaders are: 1) lack of formal training in leadership, 2) analysis paralysis ie too many meetings, not enough decisions & action, 3) overlooking importance of self-awareness. Key questions for team leaders are 1) operational affecting, for example, shared vision, facilitating distributed decision making & 2) culture & mindset level affecting, for example, collaborative culture, supporting #boundaryspanning.
TA Swiss
In a new report the European Parliamentary Technology Assessment Network (EPTA) compares 19 countries’ AI policies and technology assessment studies on AI and democracy, with TA-SWISS providing an overview of the Swiss perspective. It is particularly interesting to note that several European countries - Spain, Poland and Denmark among them - are now training their own language models, using local languages and sources to develop tools not just fed by Big Tech data.
Berner Fachhochschule
Das CAS Nachhaltiges Public Management qualifiziert Sie, komplexe und zukunftsgerichtete Herausforderungen wie bspw. Klimawandel, soziale Ungleichheit oder nachhaltige Beschaffung effektiv anzugehen. Der Studiengang vermittelt Methoden und Instrumente, mit denen Sie Politik so ausgestalten und umsetzen, dass sie dem Wohl der Menschen, der Umwelt und der wirtschaftlichen Stabilität gleichermassen dient. Gestalten, implementieren und managen Sie politische Strategien und öffentliche Dienstleistungen im Sinne der Agenda 2030 und der Sustainable Development Goals.
The Agora scheme aims to foster dialogue between scientists and society. It encourages researchers to communicate their current research to an audience of lay people. Have a look at the Agora map to see an overview of current and upcoming events and activities in Switzerland, which have been realised through Agora projects.
Submission possibilities:
TD-Lab University Alliance Berlin
With this continuing education program for transdisciplinary and participatory researchers of all status groups of the Berlin University Alliance, the TD-Lab – Laboratory for Transdisciplinary Research offers education in five competence areas: practical and theoretical know-how, methods, soft skills and reflection. In the winter semester 2024/25, the series "Participatory Research" as an introduction to different participatory research approaches such as citizen science or real-world labs, as well as the series Breakfast Talks "Transformative Dialogues" form the highlight. The aim is to encourage researchers with different levels of experience to conduct method-based, highly professionalized and more successful transdisciplinary and participatory research.
Here you will find information about our events. Here you can find out more about other offers of the TD-Lab.
Mountain Research and Development
Articles in the MountainResearch section of this open issue examine perceived impacts and preferred performance of rural–urban change among periurban villagers in highland Peru; present a method to assess cultural ecosystem services potential in river catchments in the Caucasus, applying it in a national park in Armenia; and study assets, motivations, and challenges involved in mountain entrepreneurship in the Lesser Caucasus in Georgia with a view to informing rural development policies. A MountainAgenda article analyzes policies and strategies for sustainable development in mountains across Austria, France, Italy, and Switzerland and provides concrete policy recommendations.
What kinds of collaborative arrangements best foster knowledge integration? Should you keep your team together by forming one big group to work toward your shared goals? Or should you differentiate tasks by breaking work into smaller components and assign the pieces to sub-groups? How large should sub-groups be and how should they be composed? What types of engagement processes lead to successful knowledge integration?
How can I hold my teammates accountable?
Being willing and able to hold yourself and others accountable depends heavily on the collaborative culture created by the team (see previous i2Insights contribution by L. Michelle Bennett on Mindset matters for interdisciplinary teams: Choose a collaborative one).
Collaborative cultures characterized by psychological safety, transparency, and an ability to engage in productive conflict provide the strongest foundation for accountability. Purposefully defining the team culture, including how the team will integrate the value of accountability and implement behaviors and norms aligned with it, will have a strong return on investment.
KFPE (Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries ) is revising the Guide for Transboundary Research Partnerships and warmly invites you to participate in their interactive survey. Share your ideas and experiences with equal research collaborations and the KFPE-Guide on our MURAL platform and participate in a interactive process to adapt the guide to the current challenges of research partnerships.
In NRP 82 ‘Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services’, researchers and societal actors work closely together to develop full proposals. During a workshop, they familiarised themselves with transdisciplinary methods.
Upon recommendation of the NRP 82 Steering Committee the Research Council selected 33 proposals and invited their transdisciplinary teams to co-design their respective project proposals in a six-month preparatory phase.
XIM University
The International Transdisciplinary Biennial on Environmental Justice at Lassalle-Institute (Switzerland) offers an inter- and transdisciplinary platform facilitating research exchange, validation of results, networking, and methodological innovations between engaged scientists and reflective practitioners engaged in socio-ecological transformation.
Deutsches Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Schon gesehen? Der Newsletter „BMBF-Förderschwerpunkt Sozial-ökologische Forschung (SÖF)“ erscheint nun unter dem Titel „Nachhaltigkeitsforschung in Stadt und Region“ in neuem Layout, mit optimierter Struktur – und natürlich weiterhin prall gefüllt mit vielen spannenden Inhalten!
Drei- bis viermal jährlich informiert der kostenlose Newsletter Interessierte aus Forschung und Praxis, unter anderem Kommunen, Unternehmen und Verbände, über die wichtigsten Neuigkeiten im Förderschwerpunkt Sozial-ökologische Forschung (SÖF) des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF). Im Fokus stehen dabei insbesondere eine nachhaltige Entwicklung in Städten und Regionen sowie die Weiterentwicklung transdisziplinärer Nachhaltigkeitsforschung. Die geförderten Projekte berichten über zentrale Forschungsergebnisse, Termine und Veranstaltungen. Die geförderten Projekte tragen zur Umsetzung der FONA-Strategie des BMBF (Forschung für Nachhaltigkeit) und der Zukunftsstrategie Forschung und Innovation der Bundesregierung bei.
Mit dem Newsletter möchten wir den Transfer von Forschungsergebnissen und Best-Practice-Lösungen zu Entscheidungsträgerinnen und Entscheidungsträgern unterstützen und die Community der geförderten Projekte stärken. Anhand ausgewählter Beispiele aus der Forschungspraxis soll das große Anwendungspotential der Sozial-ökologischen Forschung des BMBF deutlich werden – mit dem Ziel, die Leserinnen und Leser zu inspirieren.
Interessiert? Hier können Sie sich anmelden: https://www.fona.de/de/info/newsletter/newsletter-soef.php
Aktuelle Ausgabe: Ausgabe 2/2024
The Conversation/University of Adelaide
td-Info readers might be interested in the td research recently shared in a Conservation Biology publication and corresponding article in The Conversation. The study is complementary to citizen science outlined by ETH (Guidelines & Templates | Citizen Science Zurich | UZH).
What roles do research and development agencies have in actively preparing research teams to engage productively in collaborative research? Is it enough to require that teams engaging in funded research prepare themselves to collaborate effectively?
The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Convergence Accelerator Program was launched in 2019 to fast track the development of ideas into real-world applications and solutions intended to have substantive societal and economic impact. Building upon basic research and discovery and using a convergent approach, the program accelerates use-inspired research toward impact by funding multidisciplinary teams from a wide range of disciplines and sectors to solve complex societal and economic challenges.
What are some of the challenges that researchers from the Global South face when engaging in development research initiatives, and how can resetting the relationships that underpin North-South collaborations help? What are the pivotal areas where change is needed?
The main concerns for many researchers in Global South-based institutions are around the deep-rooted structural challenges that underpin the research for development space, such as:
Science et Cité
Partizipativ erarbeitet und mit Feedback aus der Community, stellt die Publikation der Schweizer Expert:innengruppe für Citizen Science zum einen die vielfältigen und zahlreichen Initiativen, Projekte und Tools rund um Citizen Science in der Schweiz vor. Zum anderen formuliert sie Ziele und Massnahmen für verschiedene Akteure. Der Bericht entstand im Rahmen der Initiative Citizen Science der Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz 2021–24 und wurde von Science et Cité koordiniert.
Are you thinking about creating a new toolkit for inter- and transdisciplinary research? What questions can help you consider whether to embark on such an effort? If you are a funder, how can you decide whether to support existing toolkits or fund new ones? And how can toolkits help your reviewers in considering funding applications?
We are the core members of the Toolkits and Methods Working Group hosted within the Global Alliance for Inter- and Transdisciplinarity (ITD Alliance). Since 2020, we have jointly mapped and visualized the previously uncharted landscape of inter- or transdisciplinary toolkits. Without attempting to be exhaustive, we identified 64 English-language toolkits relevant to inter- and transdisciplinarity, as well as others in German, Spanish, Dutch, and Japanese.
University Zurich
Dogs and humans are the most well-known pair among closely cohabiting species on this planet. Together, they navigate nature or urban spaces – and maybe even the threshold of the Museum für Gestaltung Zurich. There you find innovative product and fashion designs that, based on veterinary research, playfully and delightfully explore the shared movement and life of dogs and humans. Come by and immerse yourself in the concept of One Health, a non-hierarchical approach to the environment, animals, and humans, addressing questions about mixed-species cohabitation. Experience a world specially created for you and your four-legged companions.
The Art x Science Office will present the transdisciplinary project "Design for all Species" at the Zurich Design Weeks. The exhibition not only showcases the results but also documents a successful international and transdisciplinary collaboration between veterinary research at the University of Zurich and fashion and industrial design at Hongik University Seoul. Initiated by Dr. Katharina Weikl, head of the Art x Science Office at University of Zurich, this project was developed in collaboration with Prof. Antonio Pozzi and Dr. Brian Park (Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Zurich) as well as design students under the lead of Prof. Yeori Bae and Prof. Gilock Lee (Hongik University, Seoul).
When: 12.-29.9.2024
Where: Museum für Gestaltung, Ausstellungsstrasse 60, 8005 Zurich
The thirtieth anniversary of the proclamation of the Charter of Transdisciplinarity will be commemorated worldwide on November 6 and 7. On this occasion, the Organizing Committee is launching a consultation of its members and friends on the following theme:
How has transdisciplinarity changed your view of yourself and of the world?
In other words:
We'd be grateful if you'd send us your testimonial (a few liness to one page of text will do) to hlandier@club-internet.fr, which we'll be happy to publish, with your explicit consent, online and/or in a news issue of our Newsletter together with a summary (anonymized) of all the responses we've received.
The wide range of topics covered by TA-SWISS is evidenced by its two latest studies: “Culture and Digitalisation” examines the impact of digital technologies on the working life of Swiss artists, while the study on “Substitutes for Milk and Meat” looks at the ecological and health dimensions of meat and dairy alternatives.
Both studies are available in printed form (full study or abridged version); the study on culture and digitalisation can also be discovered on an interactive virtual platform: www.proofofculture.ch, while the various issues surrounding meat consumption will be the subject of science cafés and market stalls organised in collaboration with Science et Cité.
In November 2002, TA-SWISS organized the NTA 10, the10th conference of the Network for Technology Assessment, in Bern. The proceedings have now been published by Nomos. The result is a rich anthology with numerous contributions that examine the interplay between digitization and culture from the perspective of technology assessment: “Gestreamt, gelikt, flüchtig – schöne neue Kulturwelt?”, edited by Elisabeth Ehrensperber, Jeannette Behringer et al., Nomos, 2024, 434 pages, ISBN 978-3-7560-1683-9, also available free of charge as e-book
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