Network for Transdisciplinary Research

Our contribution to address complex societal challenges: We link scientific communities, support transdisciplinary careers and promote the development of competencies and methods.


Events organised or co-organised by td-net are marked as follows: [td-net]

Ongoing events

July 2024

Knowledge integration meets Serious Games #3 - Place-based work

   01 July, online - Ishara Press CIC


Digital Innovations for a Happier, Healthier Aging: A Transdisciplinary Training

   01-05 July, Geneva


31st International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering 2024

   9 - 11 July, London - International Society of Transdisciplinary Engineering


CSCCE Mini-Workshop: Working with Volunteers

   10 July, online - Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement


African Futures Transdisciplinary Dialogue: Why Global Transdisciplinarity: What Should We Be Talking About?

   11 July, Zoom - University of Pretoria, Future Africa


Creating Community Playbooks (PBK)

   15 July - 29 August, Mondays & Thursdays, online - Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement


EASST-4S 2024 Amsterdam: Making and Doing Transformations

   16-19 July, Amsterdam


Basel International Young Leaders Summer Camp

    21-28 July, Basel - Institute fpr Peace and Dialogue


SciTS 2024 Virtual Conference

   30 July - 1 August

August 2024

14th International Summer Academy on Peacebuilding, Conflict Solution, Mediation, Justice, International Security, Ledaership & Intercultural Dialogue

    5 - 21 August, Basel  - Insititute for Peace and Dialogue


CSCCE Mini Workshop: Making a PACT for engaging virtual meetings and events

    7 August, online - Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement


18 International Conference on Disaster and Emergency Management

   08 - 09 August, Warsaw - World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology


Pronances Conahcyt-2024 Conferences

   24 - 27 August, Estado de México - CONAHYCT


Making hope possible - 3rd Biennial International Transdisciplinary Conference on Environmetal Justice

   25-29 August, Zug/Zurich - various organizers


Book launch: Panorama Gesellschaft Schweiz 2024: Älter werden und Alter in der heutigen Gesellschaft

   26. August, Bern - SAGW


Public Event WorldEthicForum

   30 August - 01 September, Pontresina - WorldEthicForum

September 2024

Conference on Complex Systems

2-6 September, London - Compelx Systems Society


Govering by Values: Medizin-ethische Richtlinien im Wandel

   3. September, Bern - SAGW, Universität Bern


Kaleido Retreat - Becoming Peace, Becoming Liberation

   4 - 10 September, Hasliberg Reuti - Kaleido


International Creative Research Methods Conference

   9-10 September, Manchester - Creative Research Methods


Studienwoche «Nachhaltige Entwicklung und Transformation»

   9. - 13. September, Zürich - Universtität Zürich


Conference: Transformation of Teaching in Economic Sciences Skills Development for Future Change Leaders in Academia and Buisness

   13 September, Zürich - various organisers


OIS zam: Forum

   13.-14. September, Salzburg - Open Innovation in Science Center


27. Jahrestagung der DeGEval: Transdisziplinarität: Impulse für und durch Evaluation?

   18.-20. September, Universität Potsdam - DeGEval - Gesellschaft für EValuation e.V.


3rd Annual Emily Jäger Award Lecture - Safiya Noble

   27 September, Bern - University of Bern


Interdisciplinary Bridge Building: Reconnection and Traversal  - 46th Annual Conference of the Association for Interdisicplinary Studies

   27 & 28 September, online - Association for Interdisciplinary Studies

October 2024

2024 Big Team Science Conference

   8 - 10 October, Zoom - SCITSLIST


Conference on the transformative potential of the arts and the operationality of their temporality

   10-12 October or 17-19 Ocotber - Zurich University of the Arts


Scholarly Migration and Mobility Symposium

   15 October, Rostock - Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research


IDG Summit

   16 - 18 October, Stockholm - Inner Development Goals


Inklusion und Gesundheit im Alter: Wege zur Lebensqualität

   31. Oktober, Bern - SAGW

November 2024

ITD 24 Confernce

4-8 November, University of Utrecht - td-net, ITD Alliance, University of Utrecht


3rd Conference of the Swiss Implementation Science Network IMPACT: The Value of Implementation Science in Health and Social Care

   7 - 8 November, Geneva - IMPACT


6th Global Science Film Festival

  8-10 November, Zurich, Basel, Lugano, Bern - Global Science Film Festival


Sustainable University Day

   12 Novmeber, Zürich - U Change, Various Organizers


 4th Winter Academy on Conflict Solution, Mediation, Justice, Social Responsibility & Ethics, Leadership, Human Resources Management, Public Policy, Advocacy, Effective Campaigns, Intercultural Dialogue, Media, Public Relations & Communication Skills

    17 - 27 November, Basel - Institute for Peace and Dialogue, IPD

December 2024

PartWiss 2024 "Leitlinien für Partizipation in der Forschung"

   04 - 06 Dezember, Berlin - various organizers


VII Brazilian Meeting on Research Integrity, Science and Publication Ethics (VII BRISPE)

   05 - 06 December, Rio de Janeiro - various organizers

January 2025

Citizen Science Winter School 2025 - Participation, Power and Perspective

   19 - 24 January, Zürich  - Universtiy of Zurich

January 2025

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