Network for Transdisciplinary Research

Our contribution to address complex societal challenges: We link scientific communities, support transdisciplinary careers and promote the development of competencies and methods.

Methods for co-producing knowledge

Inter- and transdisciplinary research requires methods that support experts from research and practice to collaborate and co-produce knowledge.

td-net's toolbox for co-producing knowledge

Together with the USYS TdLab (ETH Zurich), td-net developed a toolbox for co-producing knowledge. The various tools offered have all been successfully applied and tried out by the TdLab or the td-net in various teaching and research areas. Both the td-net and the TdLab offer conceptual support in the application of these tools (capacity building).


In the project phase 2019-2022, the td-net, with the help of the scientific community, was expanding the td-net toolbox into an entry portal into the international world of methods for co-production processes: Methods matter - Get involved!


The td-net relies on the expertise of an editorial board for content support. The members of this board are elected by the scientific advisory board of td-net.

Project leader and contact person: Theres Paulsen (Email) with the USYS TdLab (ETH Zurich)

click here for the td-net toolbox for co-producing knowledge
The project was supported by Stiftung Mercator Switzerland.

td-net toolbox for co-producing knowledge
The methods and tools offered by the td-net toolbox specifically focus on jointly developing projects, conducting research and exploring ways to impact in heterogeneous...

The project is supported by Stiftung Mercator Switzerland.

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