Network for Transdisciplinary Research

Our contribution to address complex societal challenges: We link scientific communities, support transdisciplinary careers and promote the development of competencies and methods.



Call for Paper: Crossing gender. Sociology meets other disciplines



Despite the obvious transversality of gender, there is a struggle to apply its holistic property, except in frameworks such as the one outlined in the 2030 Agenda (UN 2015) in which goals such as No. 5 (gender equality) and No. 10 (reducing inequality) are prerequisites to the realization of all 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The outcomes of this “strategic resistance” are now tangible, and the ineffectiveness of responses to dramatic problems such as gender-based violence - when they aim at specialization and not integration of expertise and disciplinary visions to counter, study and prevent it - is one of many examples (Brink et al, 2021). Indeed, multi- and inter-disciplinary approaches are gradually being joined by trans-disciplinary approaches whose different types of knowledge production for social change are based not only on the integration of knowledge from different disciplines (interdisciplinarity), but also on the inclusion of values, knowledge, knowhow and skills from non-academic sources (Klein, 2017). This implies “mutual learning between
science and society, (...) embodying a mission of science with society rather than for society” (Seidl et al. 2013). Therefore, it builds on established methods to produce “reliable knowledge”, but goes beyond that to generate “socially sound knowledge" as is increasingly required of science in applied research projects” (Green Deal, NRP).


Some of the cognitive questions that may animate the debate, although not exhaustive, are:

  • How can gender be defined in light of its transversality? What are the epistemological difficulties? What are its manifestations?
  • Does the transversality of gender, which requires a form of humility on the part of the researcher in addressing issues and not presuming to “know exactly what the problem is”, constitute a challenge to the disciplines?
  • What is the role of sociology and, more broadly, that of the social sciences in heuristics on gender? What, specifically, toward other disciplines?
  • Is a multi- or inter-disciplinary approach still appropriate for the study of a research object
  • when it is related to gender? What are the strengths and what are the weaknesses?
  • How to do transdisciplinary research on gender or social facts characterized by this factor?
  • What added value and/or critical issues does adopt the transdisciplinary approach in gender
  • research propose?
  • How can gender be the common goal of different and rarely integrated disciplines?
  • Are there disciplinary areas that can integrate with each other more successfully in analyzing the gender factor? If yes, what facilitates their coming together? If not, what are the major impediments?
  • How do we achieve that integration between academic and conventional knowledge that
  • characterizes transdisciplinary studies and that gender-related issues require to be better
  • understood?
  • Can gender promote mutual learning processes between science and society that embody a mission of science with society rather than for society?
  • What resistance does science itself face to cross-fertilization in gender studies?
  • Can the intersectionality approach enrich the debate on gender cross-fertilization by bringing in new visions and new empirical evidence?
  • Is it possible to think of a new paradigm for research from gender across disciplines (transdisciplinarity) that creates and applies knowledge produced with stakeholders whilemaximizing its social impact?


Abstract submission Deadline: 22 September 2024


Sustainability and Co-creation, Learning Interactions between Education and Business Sectors

Discover Sustainability


Collection Information and Aims:

Corporate sustainability learning can take many forms and occurs in different sectors and domains of society. The increasing legal and social demands for sustainability in the business sector, also requires now forms of learning, including co-creation with externals and in an inter-sectoral context, especially in the light of the emerging global crises and their resulting impact of a changing and vulnerable environment for the business world. Considered as an instrument for solving complex problems in creative settings, because it leverages a wide range of resources experiences and ideas otherwise unexplored, co-creation can be integrated more in actions towards sustainability.


This topical collection aims to contribute to the under-researched field of interrelation of “Co-creation” and “Sustainability”.


The collection will explore the intersection between the concepts of “Co-creation” and “Sustainability and give practical guidance, by focusing mainly on interdisciplinary research, methodological contributions and theoretical frameworks, advanced empirical research, case studies and experimental initiatives, that highlight innovation in the field, emerging new forms and practices, within science-business co-creation for sustainability. The collection will emphasise the 17SDGs, not as a learning framework bur as a useful guideline in re-designing existing learning processes, in order to adjust or specify existing learning components, guarantee substantial performance and encourage new forms of inter-organizational learning. By exploring these interrelations, the collection contributes to the research community and to the organizations in enhancing their understanding of a common learning space for knowledge transfer and co-creation, as a common instrument for synergized actions and thus revealing the hidden potential for sustainability.


Submission Deadline: 31 May 2025


Neue Nukleartechnologien Ausschreibung einer TA-Studie



Die Schweiz will ihre Energieversorgung kohlenstoffarm und nachhaltig gestalten und mit den geopolitischen Veränderungen in den letzten Jahren rückt auch die Versorgungssicherheit zunehmend in den Fokus der Politik. Nach dem Reaktorunfall von Fukushima 2011 und den darauffolgenden Beschlüssen des Bundesrats und Parlaments hat die Schweizer Bevölkerung im Jahr 2017 den Atomausstieg beschlossen und dem Neubauverbot von Kernkraftwerken zugestimmt. Vor dem Hintergrund politischer und gesellschaftlicher Unsicherheiten bezüglich potentieller Strommangellagen und zukünftiger Stromimportmöglichkeiten entfaltet sich heute in Politik und Öffentlichkeit wieder eine Diskussion um Weiterbetrieb und Neubau von Kernkraftwerken. Zudem wird aufgrund wachsender E-Mobilität, steigendem Einsatz von Wärmepumpen sowie immer energieintensiveren KI-Systemen mit einer zukünftigen Zunahme des Strombedarfs gerechnet.

In diesem Kontext sollen in einer interdisziplinären Studie Chancen und Risiken von neuen Nukleartechnologien in der Schweiz abgeschätzt werden. Die Studie soll in einer Auslegeordnung den Stand des Wissens bzw. des Nicht-Wissens zu den Kernkraftgenerationen GIII/III+ und GIV sowie kleineren modularen Nuklearanlagen (Small Modular Reactors SMR) abbilden und auf damit verbundene, relevante technische, gesellschaftliche, politische, wirtschaftliche, bildungsbezogene und rechtliche Fragen eingehen.


Einreichen von Projektskizzen

Die Ausschreibung erfolgt in einem zweistufigen Verfahren. In einem ersten Schritt sollen Projekt-skizzen eingereicht werden, die den vorgesehenen Inhalt der Studie und das geplante Vorgehen umschreiben und max. 4 Seiten umfassen:

  • Vorgesehener Inhalt der Studie: Schwerpunkte, Fragestellungen (2 Seiten)
  • Geplantes Vorgehen und Forschungsmethoden (max. 1 Seite)
  • Geplante Zusammensetzung des Forschungsteams (max. 1 Seite)

Die Projektskizzen sind bis spätestens am 6. Oktober 2024 auf elektronischem Weg einzureichen.



Prix de la Meilleure Thèse Transdisciplinaire en Management 2025



Le Prix FNEGE de la thèse transdisciplinaire en Management a vocation à récompenser les meilleurs travaux doctoraux en sciences de gestion dont le sujet aborde plusieurs disciplines de management ou dépasse leurs frontières traditionnelles. Les thèses éligibles doivent avoir été soutenues entre le 1er janvier et 31 décembre 2024, dans un établissement d’enseignement supérieur français. Les jeunes docteurs de nationalité étrangère peuvent participer à cette sélection. Les thèses rédigées en anglais et sur articles sonst acceptées par la FNEGE.


Date limite de candidature: 31 janiver 2025

Jury: Avril 2025

Cérémonie de remise du prix FNEGE: Juin 2025


Call for manuscripts: Special issue of Sustainability: Explore Sustainable Development in Multiple Dimensions for Human Well-Being



Research on the intersection between well-being and sustainable development is gaining more attention in light of increasing global challenges and the pressure to achieve global commitments for sustainability. Environmental psychology, which explores the relationship between humans and the external world, in the last decade, has been more sustainability- and policy-oriented, encompassing sustainability at larger levels of analysis and life domains beyond resource management, as well as in an interdisciplinary context.


Expanding environmental psychology to embrace multiple dimensions of sustainable development can be important for understanding the tensions that arise between needed action and challenging behavior changes. These can be seen as requirements that reduce subjective well-being, as ecosystem degradation does not have an immediate effect on well-being, and because critical sustainability transformations will trigger individual and collective action.


In this regard, this Special Issue is focused on exploring the intricate connection of multiple dimensions of sustainable development and human well-being. Global priorities have shifted toward well-being and sustainable development, which are both priorities in global agendas but are somehow pursued in separate directions.


This collection of works aims to advance research in this field and contribute to synergizing sustainability and well-being research agendas. The aim is to do so by showcasing articles from various disciplines, including environmental psychology in an interdisciplinary context, that challenge concepts of sustainability even beyond the triangular framing, considering a broad definition of well-being that is not only limited to a state of existence that fulfills various human needs (having, loving, being, and doing). In this way, we can embrace the idea that human well-being is inseparable from the nature and vitality of ecosystems.


Deadline for manuscript submissions: 30 April 2025


Programme d’encouragement pour le développement durable

Office fédéral du développement territorial ARE


L'axe thématique du programme de soutien 2024-2025 est « Ensemble pour plus d’impact ». Ce focus thématique concerne l'ODD 17, qui cherche à renforcer les moyens de mettre en œuvre l’Agenda 2030 et les partenariats pour le développement durable.

Le but de ce thème est d’unir les forces et de travailler de manière ciblée afin de prendre de l'élan dans la mise en œuvre de l'Agenda 2030.


Vous planifiez un partenariat inédit pour la réalisation des objectifs de développement durable, réunissant différents groupes d'intérêt ? Envisagez-vous de développer des instruments, des méthodes ou des processus qui apporteront plus d'efficacité et de cohérence à la mise en œuvre de l'Agenda 2030 ? Ou souhaitez-vous atteindre le plus grand nombre de personnes possible avec une nouvelle initiative ?

Sont recherchés des projets ayant pour but de créer des partenariats nouveaux et innovants ou de concevoir des méthodes de mise en œuvre ciblées pour le développement durable. Il est également possible de soumettre des projets qui ont un impact à grande échelle en mettant en valeur des idées originales.


Les projets doivent participer à la réalisation des objectifs de développement durable (ODD) et prennent en compte les trois dimensions du développement durable – responsabilité écologique, solidarité sociale et efficacité économique – de manière équilibrée et intégrée.


Les dossiers sont à déposer jusqu’au 30 septembre 2024.


Call for papers: Innovation Pathways to Sustainability in Mountains

mrd - Mountain Research and Development


What are the characteristics, processes, and impacts of innovation in mountain areas around the world? How do socioeconomic, institutional, technological, scientific, and other types of innovation promote or undermine sustainable development in mountains? Mountain Research and Development invites systematic assessments of innovation processes or action research, case studies and meta-analyses of trends in innovation practices and outcomes, as well as review-based agendas for future innovation policy, action, or research. 


Notices of intent are due by 31 May 2024, full papers by 1 October 2024.

No deadline mentioned

INSciTS 2024 Call for Committee Volunteers

International Network for the Science of Team Science (INSciTS)



Build your network, your expertise, and your profile by becoming an active member of the International Network for the Science of Team Science! INSciTS can give you access to a world-wide network of active and like-minded people, and a really good way to do this is to become an active member of one of the committees helping to build the Network internationally.

There are several areas in which volunteer help is always welcomed and appreciated. Below are the committees seeking volunteers and their descriptions.

2025 Annual Program Planning Committee
The Annual Program Committee organizes annual SciTS conferences, such as identifying the conference theme; selecting keynote and plenary session speakers; reviewing and selecting proposals for workshops, panels, oral sessions, and posters; implementing changes suggested by INSciTS members; and performing other functions as needed to ensure the success of annual conferences.

Membership Committee
Members are the core of the Network. Therefore maintaining the membership is important. This committee develops strategies on increasing and retaining membership, and evaluates the needs of the members.

Marketing & Outreach
The Marketing Committee reviews and advises on the marketing activities of the Network. It develops and submits an annual marketing plan to the Board of Directors that will identify and coordinate activities of the INSciTS committees with the purpose of marketing the Network.

The Website Committee shall oversee all websites and applications that enable the Network to create, share, and/or participate in social networking as well as other means of interactions and ideas in virtual communities and networks.

Membership at a committee level fosters international relationships with like-minded colleagues, and may well enhance your professional standing and opportunities. Note that if you are already a committee member you will still need to reach out and volunteer for the upcoming year.


No deadline mentioned


Call for papers for MRD’s MountainDevelopment and MountainAgenda sections



Mountain Research and Development (MRD) invites submissions focusing on transformation knowledge and target knowledge. How can we solve problems and tap opportunities for greater sustainability? Articles in the MountainDevelopment section should offer validated insights from development interventions, local practices, and policy efforts. And: What sustainable development do we want? Articles in the MountainAgenda section should systematically review—and conclude with agendas for—research, development, or policy. Submissions are welcome anytime.

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