Network for Transdisciplinary Research

Our contribution to address complex societal challenges: We link scientific communities, support transdisciplinary careers and promote the development of competencies and methods.



Research Specialist Clinical & Health Research

University of MIchigan


The Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research (MICHR) is the home of the University of Michigan's Clinical and Translational Science Award from the National Institutes of Health. MICHR is part of a national, collaborative consortium that is focused on bringing more health solutions to all people more quickly by advancing clinical and translational science (CTS). The field of CTS aims to build an evidence base of scientific and operational approaches that improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and impact of translational research across a range of diseases and conditions. MICHR has the unique charge of examining the translational research ecosystem at a systems level to determine where common pitfalls exist; developing novel solutions to these challenges; demonstrating their effectiveness; and disseminating improvements widely. MICHR is a dynamic organization that serves as a hub of innovation and experimentation to advance research in the science of translation and accelerate the realization of interventions that improve human health.


MICHR is seeking a Research Scientist to support a National Library of Medicine-funded research project to develop the evidence base for improved information strategies, processes, and tools by identifying and describing the information behaviors of translational research teams, along with the information strategies teams use to achieve their scientific goals. In phase 1 of this project, we will recruit ~15 translational teams to participate in qualitative interviews about the way they manage information, seeking to identify barriers and facilitators to effective information management in clinical and translational research. Additionally, we will conduct surveys to understand the impact information has on other team processes. Phase 2 of the project will include developing a learning module to help teams improve their approach to information and testing the module with teams.


Application Deadline: 18 July 2024


Call for Sumbissions: Big Team Science Conference



The third annual Big Team Science Conference will be held virtually via Zoom October 8-10, 2024. The goal of this three-day virtual conference is to bring together a multidisciplinary group of researchers, funders, and stakeholders to discuss advancements, challenges, and future opportunities related to big team science.


The conference will feature Symposia, Panel sessions, Hackathons, Talks, Lightning Talks, and Unconferences. Sessions will feature presentations from groups and individuals who are interested in sharing any work related to Big Team Science. This includes, but is not limited to: completed and/or new large-scale collaborations, crowdsourced efforts, and citizen science projects; science of team science [meta-science] work; re-analysis of data from large-scale collaborations; related infrastructure and policy projects; and more!


Submission deadline: 31 July, 2024

Conference Date: 8 - 10 October, 2024


Prix de la Meilleure Thèse Transdisciplinaire en Management 2025



Le Prix FNEGE de la thèse transdisciplinaire en Management a vocation à récompenser les meilleurs travaux doctoraux en sciences de gestion dont le sujet aborde plusieurs disciplines de management ou dépasse leurs frontières traditionnelles. Les thèses éligibles doivent avoir été soutenues entre le 1er janvier et 31 décembre 2024, dans un établissement d’enseignement supérieur français. Les jeunes docteurs de nationalité étrangère peuvent participer à cette sélection. Les thèses rédigées en anglais et sur articles sonst acceptées par la FNEGE.


Date limite de candidature: 31 janiver 2025

Jury: Avril 2025

Cérémonie de remise du prix FNEGE: Juin 2025



Sustainable University Day - Call for contributions

12 November 2024 in Zurich


The organising committee of the Sustainable University Day 2024 in Zurich invites you to contribute to the programme and ideas forum of this edition with inputs, workshops and stands. Please submit your suggestions for contributions using this form: Deadline for submission: 1 September 2024.

Contributions must have a clear link to issues of sustainable development and education for sustainable development in universities.

The programme and registration will follow at the start of September.



Call for manuscripts: Special issue of Sustainability: Explore Sustainable Development in Multiple Dimensions for Human Well-Being



Research on the intersection between well-being and sustainable development is gaining more attention in light of increasing global challenges and the pressure to achieve global commitments for sustainability. Environmental psychology, which explores the relationship between humans and the external world, in the last decade, has been more sustainability- and policy-oriented, encompassing sustainability at larger levels of analysis and life domains beyond resource management, as well as in an interdisciplinary context.


Expanding environmental psychology to embrace multiple dimensions of sustainable development can be important for understanding the tensions that arise between needed action and challenging behavior changes. These can be seen as requirements that reduce subjective well-being, as ecosystem degradation does not have an immediate effect on well-being, and because critical sustainability transformations will trigger individual and collective action.


In this regard, this Special Issue is focused on exploring the intricate connection of multiple dimensions of sustainable development and human well-being. Global priorities have shifted toward well-being and sustainable development, which are both priorities in global agendas but are somehow pursued in separate directions.


This collection of works aims to advance research in this field and contribute to synergizing sustainability and well-being research agendas. The aim is to do so by showcasing articles from various disciplines, including environmental psychology in an interdisciplinary context, that challenge concepts of sustainability even beyond the triangular framing, considering a broad definition of well-being that is not only limited to a state of existence that fulfills various human needs (having, loving, being, and doing). In this way, we can embrace the idea that human well-being is inseparable from the nature and vitality of ecosystems.


Deadline for manuscript submissions: 30 April 2025


Call for Participation: PartWiss-Konferenz 2024 "Leitlinien für Partizipation in der Forschung"




Das zentrale Thema der Konferenz ist „Leitlinien für Partizipation in der Forschung”. Durch die Orientierung an Leitlinien kann partizipative Forschung angemessen und zielführend geplant, durchgeführt und evaluiert werden. Leitlinien können auf theoretischen Erkenntnissen und Erfahrungen basieren. Ziel der Konferenz ist es, ausgehend von Handlungsempfehlungen und Qualitätskriterien, die in den verschiedenen Forschungsfeldern bereits Anwendung finden, Synergien und Unterschiede einerseits, sowie Möglichkeiten und Grenzen für übergeordnete Leitlinien für Partizipation in der Forschung andererseits zu reflektieren. 

Gleichzeitig soll die Konferenz Raum für theoretische und methodische Reflexionen zu partizipativer und transdisziplinärer Forschung bieten. Außerdem soll mit dem Thema Wissenschaftsskepsis und Partizipation eine aktuelle gesellschaftliche Debatte aufgegriffen und im Rahmen der Konferenz diskutiert werden. Besonders begrüßt werden daher Beiträge zu folgenden Themen und Fragen, sind aber nicht darauf beschränkt:


  1. Leitlinien & Qualtiätskriterien
  2. Reflexion von Konzepten und Methoden partizipativer Forschung
  3. Aktuelle gesellschaftliche Herausforderung: Wissenschaftsskepsis und Partizipation
  4. Offene Themen


Formate zur Einreichung

  • Closed Panel, gemeinsame Vortrags-Session mit Vorschlägen für verschiedene Vorträge oder Diskussions-Panel durch mehr als eine Person / Institution, 90 Minuten (maximal 400 Wörter)
  • Workshops, interaktive Formate durch mehr als eine Person / Institution, 90 oder 180 Min. (max. 400 Wörter)
  • Lightning Talk, 5 Min. (max. 150 Wörter)
  • Poster & Exponate, (max. 150 Wörter)
  • Wissenschaftlicher Fachvortrag, 20 Min. (max. 250 Wörter)


Einreichefrist: 08.07.24


Call to contributions: Special Issue “Well-Being in the Digital World”

Weizenbaum Journal


The Special Issue “Well-Being in the Digital World” of the Weizenbaum Journal of the Digital Society (WJDS) will focus on one of the most pertinent goals the world faces today: ensuring individual well-being. Indeed, with challenges related to mental health becoming particularly pronounced during and in the aftermath of the pandemic, numerous stakeholders question the role of technology in contributing to users’ psychological health.


So far, progress in this area has been partly impeded by restricted access to reliable and objective technology-use data. Considering these developments and challenges, this Special Issue aims to provide room and motivate more research into the role of technology in users' well-being and mental health. Specifically, we seek contributions that help to answer the following exemplary research questions:

  • Which role do digital technologies play in users’ well-being? What are the mechanisms behind the observed relationships?
  • Who are the users most at risk to technology-enabled well-being and mental health effects?
  • How can technology be designed and leveraged to ensure users’ well-being?
  • How can technology use be best and most reliably operationalized in research to derive valid cause-effect estimates?
  • What are the long-term effects of remote work and digital collaboration on workers’ mental health and well-being?
  • Which strategies can users rely on to ensure a healthy use of social media?
  • What is virtual and augmented reality's potential in the treatment of mental health conditions in the clinical context?


Abstract submission Deadline: 31 July 2024


Programme d’encouragement pour le développement durable

Office fédéral du développement territorial ARE


L'axe thématique du programme de soutien 2024-2025 est « Ensemble pour plus d’impact ». Ce focus thématique concerne l'ODD 17, qui cherche à renforcer les moyens de mettre en œuvre l’Agenda 2030 et les partenariats pour le développement durable.

Le but de ce thème est d’unir les forces et de travailler de manière ciblée afin de prendre de l'élan dans la mise en œuvre de l'Agenda 2030.


Vous planifiez un partenariat inédit pour la réalisation des objectifs de développement durable, réunissant différents groupes d'intérêt ? Envisagez-vous de développer des instruments, des méthodes ou des processus qui apporteront plus d'efficacité et de cohérence à la mise en œuvre de l'Agenda 2030 ? Ou souhaitez-vous atteindre le plus grand nombre de personnes possible avec une nouvelle initiative ?

Sont recherchés des projets ayant pour but de créer des partenariats nouveaux et innovants ou de concevoir des méthodes de mise en œuvre ciblées pour le développement durable. Il est également possible de soumettre des projets qui ont un impact à grande échelle en mettant en valeur des idées originales.


Les projets doivent participer à la réalisation des objectifs de développement durable (ODD) et prennent en compte les trois dimensions du développement durable – responsabilité écologique, solidarité sociale et efficacité économique – de manière équilibrée et intégrée.


Les dossiers sont à déposer jusqu’au 30 septembre 2024.


Call for applications: National Prize for Open Research Data

Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences


Since 2023, the Academies of Sciences Switzerland have been awarding the National Prize for Open Research Data (ORD Prize). This is part of the Action Plan "Open Research Data" implemented by the Academies as part of the National Strategy for Open Research Data. This new prize aims to recognize researchers for innovative practices in the field of Open Research Data (ORD) and aims to promote the transition to open research practices. Open research data promotes transparency, reproducibility, and collaboration within the scientific community and allows society to benefit from scientific knowledge.


The ORD prize jury defined two new focus areas for this year’s competition:

(1) Collaborative and/or interdisciplinary reuse of research data

(2) Educational and/or outreach activities related to the reuse of research data.


Applications are open until 31 July 2024.


Call for Applications: Pathways Autumn School 2024 - Transformative Research for a Just World and a Habitable Planet

future earth


The Pathways Autumn School will allow the participants to share and reflect on the ways sustainability science can contribute to transforming societies towards new models which strive to achieve social equity and meet basic needs for all, while safeguarding the planet’s ecosystems and climate. Doctoral researchers and researchers who finished their PhD within the last 10 years (excluding periods of parental leave) who are living and working in Europe are invited to apply. 


Date of the autom school: 25-29 November 2024

Deadline Call for Applications: 22 May 2024


Call for papers: Innovation Pathways to Sustainability in Mountains

mrd - Mountain Research and Development


What are the characteristics, processes, and impacts of innovation in mountain areas around the world? How do socioeconomic, institutional, technological, scientific, and other types of innovation promote or undermine sustainable development in mountains? Mountain Research and Development invites systematic assessments of innovation processes or action research, case studies and meta-analyses of trends in innovation practices and outcomes, as well as review-based agendas for future innovation policy, action, or research. 


Notices of intent are due by 31 May 2024, full papers by 1 October 2024.


Call for Papers: Special Issue ‘Drama Therapy and the Climate Crisis’ 

Intellect Books


We have all been witness to a rising number of deadly wildfires, heatwaves, floods and other indicators of a rapidly warming climate. As drama therapists, mental health providers and global citizens, we have a role to play in examining and responding to the toll that the climate crisis is taking on our physical, mental, social and ecological health and well-being. It is the biggest challenge of our time.


Like the COVID-19 pandemic, the consequences of climate change affect providers as well as participants and also impact various groups differently based on their access to suitable infrastructure including housing, cooling technologies, adequate nutrition, breathable air and their exposure to environmental racism. In 2021, the American Psychological Association released an updated report in collaboration with the non-profit EcoAmerica, highlighting the inequitable threat of the climate crisis on mental health on populations that are made more vulnerable due to intersecting forms of marginalization. In June 2022, the WHO launched a policy brief urging countries to incorporate mental health support into their climate change responses. In 2023, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released their latest report which indicated the significant health impacts, including mental health challenges, associated with increasing temperatures, trauma from extreme events, and loss of livelihoods and culture.


We recognize that our efforts may be multifold:


We need to be focused on systemic and individual climate mitigation strategies which are efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Drama therapists might support individuals and/or groups in reconnecting to a greater ecology and rehearsing climate mitigation options. Climate mitigation strategies can also be adopted at drama therapy training institutions and sites of practice (e.g. net-zero and green institutions), professional development (e.g. our conferences) and publication practices.


As care providers, we also have a role to play in identifying and adopting climate adaptation strategies, those actions that we can take individually and as a community to address the impact of an already changing climate on the conditions in which we are born, grow, live, work, care, age, play and die. Drama therapists may support individuals and groups in discovering, rehearsing, playing with, creating and connecting with others about their concerns about our changing climate.


Finally, drama therapists, like theatre-makers and artists engaged in this area (e.g Arts and Climate initiative), might contribute to climate change communication strategies on stage and on the page. This Special Issue of Drama Therapy Review is dedicated to drama therapy and the climate crisis.


Deadline for Submission: 01 August 2024

No deadline mentioned

INSciTS 2024 Call for Committee Volunteers

International Network for the Science of Team Science (INSciTS)



Build your network, your expertise, and your profile by becoming an active member of the International Network for the Science of Team Science! INSciTS can give you access to a world-wide network of active and like-minded people, and a really good way to do this is to become an active member of one of the committees helping to build the Network internationally.

There are several areas in which volunteer help is always welcomed and appreciated. Below are the committees seeking volunteers and their descriptions.

2025 Annual Program Planning Committee
The Annual Program Committee organizes annual SciTS conferences, such as identifying the conference theme; selecting keynote and plenary session speakers; reviewing and selecting proposals for workshops, panels, oral sessions, and posters; implementing changes suggested by INSciTS members; and performing other functions as needed to ensure the success of annual conferences.

Membership Committee
Members are the core of the Network. Therefore maintaining the membership is important. This committee develops strategies on increasing and retaining membership, and evaluates the needs of the members.

Marketing & Outreach
The Marketing Committee reviews and advises on the marketing activities of the Network. It develops and submits an annual marketing plan to the Board of Directors that will identify and coordinate activities of the INSciTS committees with the purpose of marketing the Network.

The Website Committee shall oversee all websites and applications that enable the Network to create, share, and/or participate in social networking as well as other means of interactions and ideas in virtual communities and networks.

Membership at a committee level fosters international relationships with like-minded colleagues, and may well enhance your professional standing and opportunities. Note that if you are already a committee member you will still need to reach out and volunteer for the upcoming year.


No deadline mentioned


Call for Papers: Öffentliche, Transdisziplinäre und Transformative Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft - neues Themenheft



Umbrüche in der öffentlichen Kommunikation, Herausforderungen im Zuge von Digitalisierung, Datafizierung und Automatisierung sowie die gesellschaftlichen Krisen der Gegenwart verlangen eine verstärkte Auseinandersetzung mit unserem Selbstverständnis als Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaftler:innen. In den vergangenen Jahren ist in der deutschsprachigen sowie internationalen Forschung eine wachsende Anzahl an Studien (Arslan, 2024; Fürst et al., 2020), programmatischen Beiträgen (Brüggemann et al., 2023; Krüger & Meyen, 2018), ethischen Reflexionen (Davies, 2018; Krainer, 2023), Monographien (Waisbord, 2020) und Sammelbänden (Bélair-Gagnon & Usher, 2021; Waisbord & Billard, 2024) erschienen, die sich mit dem Verhältnis zwischen Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (MuK) und Gesellschaft beschäftigen.


Mit diesem Themenheft wollen wir die Reflexion zu und empirische Bestandsaufnahme von Öffentlicher, Transdisziplinärer und Transformativer MuK vertiefen und insbesondere zur Adressierung der folgenden Fragen einladen:

  • Wie stark schlagen sich Postulate einer Öffentlichen, Transdisziplinären und Transformativen MuK tatsächlich in unserer Forschungspraxis nieder? Welche Austauschformen sind bereits etabliert welche werden dagegen vernachlässigt?
  • Wie können wir die Anwendung transdisziplinärer Methoden und gesellschaftliches Engagement in der Breite unserer Disziplin und quer durch alle Statusgruppen stärken? Wie können wir mehr gesellschaftliche Gruppen intensiver in den Forschungsprozess einbinden (vgl. Schützeneder et al., 2022)?
  • Was sind Indikatoren für gelungene Projekte? Von welchen Good Practices oder Momenten des Scheiterns können wir lernen?
  • Wie kann Öffentliche, Transdisziplinäre und Transformative MuK auch auf die Lehre angewendet bzw. in ihr etabliert werden (vgl. z.B. Brüggemann et al., 2023, S. 5044–5045)?
  • Welche Chancen, Herausforderungen, Grenzen und Fallstricke gibt es (vgl. Schützeneder et al., 2022)? Wie wird beispielsweise damit verfahren, dass in Krisen- und Pandemiezeiten schnelle Antworten der Wissenschaft erwartet werden, obwohl wissenschaftliches Wissen stets vorläufig und die Wissensproduktion zeitintensiv ist? Und wie können wir etwa mit großen Zeitlimitationen im Berufsalltag potenzieller Forschungspartner:innen umgehen, die in Forschungsprojekten partizipieren sollten/könnten (z. B. aus dem Medienbereich)?
  • Inwiefern hat die COVID-19 Pandemie unseren Blick auf Öffentliche, Transdisziplinäre und Transformative MuK verändert (vgl. Fürst, 2021; Nielsen, 2020)?
  • Was können wir aus angrenzenden Disziplinen wie Soziologie, Politik- und Geschichtswissenschaft lernen und wie können wir uns stärker interdisziplinär zu Öffentlicher, Transdisziplinärer und Transformativer Wissenschaft vernetzen?


Einreichefrist für Manuskripte: 31. August 2024



Call for papers for MRD’s MountainDevelopment and MountainAgenda sections



Mountain Research and Development (MRD) invites submissions focusing on transformation knowledge and target knowledge. How can we solve problems and tap opportunities for greater sustainability? Articles in the MountainDevelopment section should offer validated insights from development interventions, local practices, and policy efforts. And: What sustainable development do we want? Articles in the MountainAgenda section should systematically review—and conclude with agendas for—research, development, or policy. Submissions are welcome anytime.

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