Network for Transdisciplinary Research

Our contribution to address complex societal challenges: We link scientific communities, support transdisciplinary careers and promote the development of competencies and methods.



Call for contributions: “Role of transdisciplinarity as a scientific and cultural approach in the prevention of global conflicts of modern civilization”




The reception of written answers to the questions of the symposium “The role of transdisciplinarity as a scientific and cultural approach in preventing global conflicts of modern civilization" is open. The symposium will be held in the period from 01 February to 01 April 2025. The organizers of the symposium are the Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia) ( and the International Center for Transdisciplinary Research (CIRET, France) ( .

What it is about?

The main objectives of the symposium are:
a) To determine the readiness of modern transdisciplinarity to participate in rethinking and solving the problems of sustainable development of society;
b) To determine the scientific and cultural potential of modern transdisciplinarity for the prevention of global conflicts, as one of the conditions for the formation of sustainable development of society.


The deadline for sending pdf files as finished materials is from 01 February to 01 April 2025




Call for projcets: Art+: transdisciplinary collaborative creation

pro helvetia


New artistic project or experimental creation (in-person, digital, or hybrid) with public presentation at the intersection of artistic and non-artistic fields


For Whom:
Two or more participants, including artist(s) from one of the disciplines supported by Pro Helvetia and expert(s) with a recognised track record from social or scientific sectors, whose first collaboration took place no more than five years ago


Selection Criteria:

  • Potential and originality of the collaboration and appropriateness of the envisaged methods
  • Relevance of the content and feasibility
  • Professional and artistic quality
  • Implementation according to professional standards



Application Deadline: 01. March 2025


Call for contributions: SSH Energy 2025

ETH Zurich


The 5th Swiss Social Sciences and Humanities Energy Research Workshop (SSH Energy 2025) is an opportunity for researchers, modellers, practitioners, and policymakers to share perspectives and insights on the societal implications, discourses, and transformation processes required to transition to a more sustainable and equitable energy system. The 2025 edition seeks to learn from SSH energy initiatives with interdisciplinary (that integrate different disciplinary perspectives) and transdisciplinary (engaging with societal actors) approaches into energy transitions.



To make this critical energy transition, integrating social sciences and humanities into energy research is vital, but just how we do that is the most important question that can bring research to impact transformative change. Inter- and transdisciplinary research address the complexities of integration. They aim to move beyond knowledge production by fostering collaboration and diverse perspectives essential for meaningful change.


Abstract Submission: 21 March 2025


Call for Papers: Networks in Science of Science, a NetSci25 Satellite Workshop



We welcome submissions that explore the use of network approaches applied to studies in science of science. This includes (but is not limited to): the analyses of relevant network data (e.g., citation networks, collaboration networks, semantic networks, knowledge graphs),development of novel methods for science of science applications (e.g., graph embedding, link prediction), and experimentations with representations (e.g., hypergraph, multilayer graph). In addition, we seek submissions in the developing areas of exploration concerned withthe impact of diverse voices and intellectual backgrounds, political policies, and intelligences (including Artificial Intelligence) on scientific advancements.

The theme of submission this year is “Science and Society.” Submissions closer to the theme will be particularly welcome. The program committee will review the abstracts for the acceptance as either a contributed talk or a lightning talk in the spring. The Best Student Paper Award will be voted on at the workshop by the audience. Submissions cannot be those presented orally at other sessions in NetSci.

This workshop does not have archival proceedings. Therefore, submissions can be:

  • recently published (2024-2025)
  • under peer review (e.g. papers published on arxiv or SSRN
  • works in progress


Perspektiven der Verwaltungswissenschaft auf Transdisziplinarität

dms - der moderne Staat



Angesichts gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen, wie u. a. Klimaschutz und nachhaltige Entwicklung, Ressourceneffizienz, gesellschaftliche Sicherheit, Gesundheit, Migration, soziale Ungleichheit etc. sind die Relevanz- und Nützlichkeitsforderungen an die Wissenschaft hoch. Genuin anwendungsorientierte Disziplinen, wie die Verwaltungswissenschaft, spielen in dem Zusammenhang eine zentrale Rolle, da sie sich seit jeher an der Schnittstelle von Wissenschaft und Praxis bewegen. Die „Grenzarbeit“ (boundary work) zwischen theoretischem Wissen und praktischer Anwendung wird insbesondere angesichts der komplexen und vielfältigen Herausforderungen relevant, denen sich öffentliche Verwaltung derzeit stellen müssen.
Die Verwaltungswissenschaft ist dabei häufig mit der Schwierigkeit konfrontiert, dass ihr produziertes Wissen in praktischen Anwendungskontext der Verwaltung insgesamt kritisch beäugt wird. Konkret können sich bezüglich der verwaltungswissenschaftlichen Expertise u. a. Widerstände oder Resistenzen in der Verwaltung ergeben.


In dem Zusammenhang werden in der Wissenssoziologie verschiedene Modi der Produktion von Wissen diskutiert. Transdisziplinarität ist eine Möglichkeit. Der Ansatz beschreibt die Zusammenarbeit von Wissenschaftler:innen und Praktiker:innen, welche, am Gegenstand konkreter praktischer Problemstellungen, die gemeinsame Ko-Produktion neuer Wissensbestände zum Ziel hat.


Deadline für Abstratcs: 30. März 2025


Swiss Young Academy – Call for new members

Swiss Young Academy


Academics at the beginning of their careers are once again invited to apply for a five-year membership at the Swiss Young Academy. The Young Academy offers young academics the opportunity to network and to work in groups on inter- and transdisciplinary projects at the interface between science and society. The exchange with the individual Academies and centres of excellence in the network is also important. This also enables young researchers to draw attention to their particular concerns. Members can in addition apply for financial support for personal development projects and take part in a mentoring programme. The call for new members is open from mid-December 2024 until the end of February 2025.


Appliaction Deadline: 28 February 2025


Call for Abstracts: Real-World Laboratories as Spaces of Sustainability Transformations: A Relational Perspective

Leibniz Institute for Ecological Urban and Regional Development



In this collection, we aim to explore the meaning of real-world laboratories (or similar experimental settings) as spaces of sustainability transformations. Specifically, we invite contributions to one or more of the following themes:


A) Real-world laboratories, conceptions of space and spatial planning

B) Real-world laboratories as spaces to foster transformative governance

C) Real-world laboratories as spaces of conflict in society

D) Real-world laboratories as spaces for learning and relationship-building


We are happy to receive contributions in the following formats:

a) Research: Original research work on the subject.

b) Review: Reviews explore, question, interpret or synthesize the available literature on a selected topic.

c) Analysis: propose new research topics, approaches or concepts for advancing science and practice

d) Perspective: Short discussions that present thought-provoking arguments from researchers or practitioners.

e) Case Studies: Succinct and informative reports on outstanding practice cases.


For detailed information on the collection and submission guidelines please see the Call for Contributions (attached).

Please submit your extended abstract till 05th February 2025 via the online submission form.


Call for Abstracts: Science of Team Science Conference

International Network for the Science of Team Science


The call for poster, oral, and panel presentation abstracts for the 2025 SciTS Conference is now open! The 2025 SciTS Conference will be hosted by the US Food & Drug Administration White Oak Campus in Silver Spring, Maryland, USA, from July 28 - July 30, 2025. 

The SciTS Annual Conference is the flagship event of the International Network for the Science of Team Science (INSciTS). It continues to be the premier annual gathering of scholars, practitioners, and providers in the field of Team Science, bringing together a broad range of disciplines to share and advance the latest evidence-based methods in team collaboration and transdisciplinary science. Speakers and attendees will include investigators, administrators, students, funders, and policymakers. Our community includes academia, government, industry, and many other sectors, and spans a multitude of knowledge domain spaces. Anyone interested in improving collaborative research and discovery is welcome! 


The abstract categories for this year have changed, and are as follows:

  1. Education and Training of Teams
  2. Team Incubation and Acceleration
  3. Scientometrics, Data Analysis, and Indicators
  4. Team Science in Academia
  5. Professional Development and Developing the Integration Specialist Profession
  6. Multicultural Collaborations/Interactions
  7. Team Science and Industry
  8. Team Evaluation


Abstract Deadline: 28 February 2025


Young Scholars Prize 2025

Walter Benjamin Kolleg Universität Bern


The Walter Benjamin Kolleg unites the manifold inter- and transdisciplinary research activities within the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Bern, Switzerland. It is particularly committed to the advancement of early-career researchers.


To this end, the Kolleg awards the annual prize "Young Scholars" (worth CHF 1,500) to one excellent researcher from Switzerland or abroad who vividly communicates their interdisciplinary research to a broad public.


"Young Scholars" aims to identify and promote young talent by increasing their visibility, creating networking opportunities, and boosting their scientific development. In turn, young scholars at the Kolleg benefit from the exchange with the awardees, enhancing dialogue and collaboration among peers.


The prize will be awarded at the Research Day of the Faculty of Humanities on March 31, 2025 in Bern, self-applications and nominations are welcomed untill first February 2025.


Transdisciplinary Engineering for Sustainability Decisions

Frontiers in Sustainability


Transdisciplinary engineering is the emerging approach to build a capacity in engineering to effectively collaborate across academic-industry/government or community boundaries, and to integrate knowledge across academic disciplines, including the social sciences. This is critical to developing effective decision tools in organizations with the resources to affect material change on the environment and society - including at government level and industrial level in manufacturing and product development. We are looking for papers that explore how decision support in engineering settings can be augmented by collaborating across knowledge communities or how engineering analysis can support decisions in non-engineering settings like government policy making or community decisions in the context of sustainability - for clean water, air, low carbon energy, food and agriculture.



Application Deadline: 31 March 2025


Analysing interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity in whole systems energy research: experiences from the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC)

University of Edinburgh


The School of Social and Political Science (SPS) at the University of Edinburgh is offering a 3-year PhD studentship on ‘Analysing interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity in whole systems energy research’.


Complex socio-technical challenges, such as energy system transition, invite an interdisciplinary response - cutting across disciplinary boundaries and divides between researchers, policymakers and others. Within UKRI’s Energy and Decarbonisation theme, the Whole Energy Systems (WES) research area seeks to integrate knowledge across research councils, and, as a cornerstone of UKRI WES research, UKERC is expected to demonstrate the benefits of working across disciplinary boundaries, and across research-stakeholder divides.

In practice, this is far from straightforward. Academic research is normally conducted on well-established disciplinary lines, so that integrative interdisciplinary research is challenging and disruptive. There is a need for good empirical evidence on key questions such as: how can interdisciplinary research strategies overcome disciplinary silos and academic-stakeholder divides? Which research methods and tools are effective? How can integrative interdisciplinary research usefully inform decision-making in key policy areas?


Application Deadline: 30 January 2025


Open Call Early-Career Fellowships 2025–2026

ETH Zurich


We invite international applications as well as applications from scholars and artists currently affiliated with one of the Collegium’s supporting institutions, ETH Zurich, the University of Zurich, and the Zurich University of the Arts. The Collegium welcomes diversity and is committed to provide a family friendly workplace. Therefore, we acknowledge care work, part-time employment, or career breaks and consider applications proposing joint research in job-sharing.

With its early-career fellowship program, the Collegium nurtures an environment for promising academics and artists at a critical stage of their career. The program supports courageous projects that cut across and transgress disciplinary boundaries in unconventional ways. As part of their application, each fellow proposes an interdisciplinary event centered on their work, contributing to the Collegium's academic and artistic program.

The fellowship can be used to develop a proposal for a major interdisciplinary grant, such as an ERC or SNSF Starting Grant, or an SNSF Ambizione Grant. It is not intended to support doctoral dissertations. We also encourage small interdisciplinary teams of up to three people to apply with a joint project.


Application Deadline: 15 February 2025


Call for Abstracts: The Lifespan: Perspectives on Ageing and the Life Course form the Medical Humanities, the Healtch Sciences and Age Studies

King's College London


Ageing is too often seen as an inevitable period of decline at the end of life. The UKRI-funded research programme The Sciences of Ageing and the Culture of Youth (SAACY), based at the Centre for the Humanities and Health at King’s College London, a research hub invested in the human dimensions of healthcare, looks at how we can overcome this cultural pessimism by understanding ageing as a lifelong process rather than something that happens at the end of our lives. Older age poses challenges and opportunities just like every other phase in life.


This conference is interested in the synergistic capacities of ageing research across the humanities, social and medical/life sciences invested in ageing as a lifelong process. SLSAeu and SAACY join for this conference to share research at the many intersections of science, literature and the arts.


Please submit your 250-word abstract alongside a 50-word biography by 20th January 2025. Formats include paper presentations (20 minutes) and discipline-crossing panels (including participants from three disciplines, one of whom the moderator). We also encourage sector-crossing panels that include artists and writers, and welcome art events. Proposals for discipline-crossing panels spanning sciences/medicine, social sciences, the humanities, and the arts are especially welcome.


Conference Date: 4 - 6 June 2025

Deadline for Abstracts: 20 January 2025




Call for Applications: 3 Month Executive Diploma Program 2025

Institute for Peace and Dialogue


Institute for Peace and Dialogue (IPD) call for applicants from all over the world countries to join 3 Month Executive Diploma Programs for 2025 Year Intake which surrounding special instruction focus to give the participants valuable education, wide professional experience and fruitful network which graduates can apply their gained skills to build successful worldwide career in state, private and public sectors in numerous positions as Senior Manager, Diplomat, Judge, Mediator, Arbitrator, Human Resources Manager, Case Manager, Program Coordinator, Public Relations Manager, Mentor, Coacher and etc. relevant jobs in middle, senior and executive level.

Applicants can choose and study one or more of the following mentioned Diploma Program:
- Diploma in Conflicts Management & Mediation (CMM)
- Diploma in Project Management (PM)

- Diploma in Leadership & Human Resources Management (LHRM)

One of the privileges of the study type is class days only surrounding 3 working days per week which creating suitable environment and enough opportunities for participants exists more free time to travel, research or participate in other useful events and programs as well spend more available free time with their friends, partners and family members while studying 3 Month Executive Diploma Program.
Additional advantages of Diploma Program participants will be chance to visit the local-regional institutions/companies, besides this we will invite guest speakers to share and talk their real work life experience.
Our trainers and speakers not only will share with you about the knowledge and skills also about their company, network and career life success stories which could be valuable factors and views for you to consider in catching easy your future dreamed career.


Deadline for Applications: 31 March 2025


Sustainability and Co-creation, Learning Interactions between Education and Business Sectors

Discover Sustainability


Collection Information and Aims:

Corporate sustainability learning can take many forms and occurs in different sectors and domains of society. The increasing legal and social demands for sustainability in the business sector, also requires now forms of learning, including co-creation with externals and in an inter-sectoral context, especially in the light of the emerging global crises and their resulting impact of a changing and vulnerable environment for the business world. Considered as an instrument for solving complex problems in creative settings, because it leverages a wide range of resources experiences and ideas otherwise unexplored, co-creation can be integrated more in actions towards sustainability.


This topical collection aims to contribute to the under-researched field of interrelation of “Co-creation” and “Sustainability”.


The collection will explore the intersection between the concepts of “Co-creation” and “Sustainability and give practical guidance, by focusing mainly on interdisciplinary research, methodological contributions and theoretical frameworks, advanced empirical research, case studies and experimental initiatives, that highlight innovation in the field, emerging new forms and practices, within science-business co-creation for sustainability. The collection will emphasise the 17SDGs, not as a learning framework bur as a useful guideline in re-designing existing learning processes, in order to adjust or specify existing learning components, guarantee substantial performance and encourage new forms of inter-organizational learning. By exploring these interrelations, the collection contributes to the research community and to the organizations in enhancing their understanding of a common learning space for knowledge transfer and co-creation, as a common instrument for synergized actions and thus revealing the hidden potential for sustainability.


Submission Deadline: 31 May 2025


Prix de la Meilleure Thèse Transdisciplinaire en Management 2025



Le Prix FNEGE de la thèse transdisciplinaire en Management a vocation à récompenser les meilleurs travaux doctoraux en sciences de gestion dont le sujet aborde plusieurs disciplines de management ou dépasse leurs frontières traditionnelles. Les thèses éligibles doivent avoir été soutenues entre le 1er janvier et 31 décembre 2024, dans un établissement d’enseignement supérieur français. Les jeunes docteurs de nationalité étrangère peuvent participer à cette sélection. Les thèses rédigées en anglais et sur articles sonst acceptées par la FNEGE.


Date limite de candidature: 31 janiver 2025

Jury: Avril 2025

Cérémonie de remise du prix FNEGE: Juin 2025


Call for manuscripts: Special issue of Sustainability: Explore Sustainable Development in Multiple Dimensions for Human Well-Being



Research on the intersection between well-being and sustainable development is gaining more attention in light of increasing global challenges and the pressure to achieve global commitments for sustainability. Environmental psychology, which explores the relationship between humans and the external world, in the last decade, has been more sustainability- and policy-oriented, encompassing sustainability at larger levels of analysis and life domains beyond resource management, as well as in an interdisciplinary context.


Expanding environmental psychology to embrace multiple dimensions of sustainable development can be important for understanding the tensions that arise between needed action and challenging behavior changes. These can be seen as requirements that reduce subjective well-being, as ecosystem degradation does not have an immediate effect on well-being, and because critical sustainability transformations will trigger individual and collective action.


In this regard, this Special Issue is focused on exploring the intricate connection of multiple dimensions of sustainable development and human well-being. Global priorities have shifted toward well-being and sustainable development, which are both priorities in global agendas but are somehow pursued in separate directions.


This collection of works aims to advance research in this field and contribute to synergizing sustainability and well-being research agendas. The aim is to do so by showcasing articles from various disciplines, including environmental psychology in an interdisciplinary context, that challenge concepts of sustainability even beyond the triangular framing, considering a broad definition of well-being that is not only limited to a state of existence that fulfills various human needs (having, loving, being, and doing). In this way, we can embrace the idea that human well-being is inseparable from the nature and vitality of ecosystems.


Deadline for manuscript submissions: 30 April 2025

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