Network for Transdisciplinary Research

Our contribution to address complex societal challenges: We link scientific communities, support transdisciplinary careers and promote the development of competencies and methods.

Publication radar

The td-net is performing a yearly analysis of publication activities in the fields of inter- and transdisciplinarity. With "transdisciplinar*" and "interdisciplinar*" as search words, we perform a "topic" search (includes: title, abstract, author keywords, Keywords Plus®) in the Web of Science database. The number of publications is presented chronologically in the charts below. The constant upwards trend has even been pronounced in the last years.

Number of publications per year that include "transdisciplinarity*" in the topic

(Search performed through Web of Science on 02 May 2024;  please note that the number of publications in the last year is usually underestimated by 5-10%, as some of last year's publications are only added to Web of Science after our analysis)

Number of publications per year that include "interdisciplinarity*" in the topic

(search performed through Web of Science on 02 May 2024)

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