International Transdisciplinary Conference

Creating spaces and cultivating mindsets for learning and experimentation
Online, 13-17 September 2021
Problems global in scale continue to challenge the world. Global crises unleashed by climate change and, more recently the COVID-19 pandemic, compel us to find sustainable solutions to social, cultural, political, economic, ecological, and health challenges. Yet, these crises have shown, once again, that existing modes of overcoming challenges are limited, ineffectual, or non-existent. There is thus a critical need to move beyond what we already know and do. Creating spaces and cultivating mindsets for learning and experimentation are keys to building new possibilities and putting us on a path to generation of sustainable solutions on global, regional and local scale.
The 2021 International Transdisciplinarity Conference (ITD), “Creating Spaces and Cultivating Mindsets for Learning and Experimentation”, provides a platform for engagement, discussion, and action that links transdisciplinary research, (un)learning, and practice. Real-world labs, living labs, social innovations, Global South & Global North encounters, and transition experiments, serve as inspirations for design and implementation of this event. As a virtual forum, the ITD Conference 2021 will bring together individuals, communities, and institutions from across the globe. The goal is to advance transdisciplinary concepts and methodologies while strengthening their potential for addressing societal challenges by connecting educators, researchers, practitioners, industry and business representatives, funding agencies, decision makers and students across sectors and disciplines.
Teams and Committees
Core Team
Members are listed alphabetically by their last names.
Tobias Buser, Network for Transdisciplinary Research (td-net)
Pius Krütli, ETH Zürich - USYS TdLab
Theres Paulsen, Network for Transdisciplinary Research (td-net)
BinBin Pearce, ETH Zürich - USYS TdLab
Michael Stauffacher, ETH Zürich - USYS TdLab
Bianca Vienni, ETH Zürich - USYS TdLab
Extended Core Team
Stefan Müller, USYS TdLab (leading iStage and Zoom sessions preparation)
Eslem Demirel and Jiarui Wu (student assistants for preparation of conference)
Irina Dallo, USYS TdLab
Agnes Kreil, USYS TdLab
Marlene Mader, USYS TdLab
Danny Nef, USYS TdLab
Sibylle Studer, td-net and USYS TdLab
Mélanie Surchat, USYS TdLab
Ariane Wenger, USYS TdLab
Tiphaine Mühlethaler, Bianca Clément, Léa Lötscher, Maria Eleftheriadou, Fiton Sallahaj, Jeniston Pathinathar, Elena Paganoni, Nives Ramisberger (student assistants)
Strategic Board
The strategic board integrates leaders of transdisciplinary partner networks and communities, and leaders of the organising institutions.
Members are listed alphabetically by their last names.
Gabriele Bammer, Integration & Implementation Sciences (I2S)
Matthias Barth, Robert-Bosch-Kolleg Research Training Group "Processes of Sustainability Transformation"
Max Bergman, Swiss Academic Society for Environmental Research and Ecology
Nina Braun, Net4Society
Marc Creus, Swiss Young Academy | Global Young Academy
Peter Edwards, ETH Zürich - Department of Environmental Systems Science
Matthias Egger, Swiss National Science Foundation
Steve M. Fiore, International Network for the Science of Team Science (INSciTS)
Ruedi Füchslin, Zurich University for Applied Sciences
Guillaume Habert, ETH Zürich - Sustainable Construction
Chi Huyen Truong, Intergovernmental knowledge and learning centre working on behalf of the people of the Hindu Kush Himalaya (ICIMOD)
Jackie Kado, Network of African Science Academies (NASAC)
Machiel Keestra, Association for Interdisciplinary Studies
Erica Key, Belmont Forum
Ariane Koek,
Chris Luebkeman, ETH Zürich
Sheik Mbow, Future Africa Initiative
Juliana Mercon, Universidad Veracruzana
Oliver Parodi, Netzwerk Reallabore
Katsia Paulavets, International Science Council
Vivi Stavrou, International Science Council
Danilo Streck, Unisinos University
Josh Tewksbury, Future Earth
Julie Thompson-Klein, Association for Interdisciplinary Studies
Hilligje van't Land, International Associsation of Universities
Lukas von Orelli, SwissFoundations
Bernhard Wehrli, ETH Zürich - Department of Environmental Systems Sciences
Anne Zimmermann, Copernicus Alliance
Jakob Zinsstag, Network for Transdisciplinary Research (td-net) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
Programme Board
The members of the Programme Board are reviewing the submitted abstracts and are thus fostering the high quality of the contributions.
Members are listed alphabetically by their last names.
Tateo Arimoto, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)
Karoline Augenstein, Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Joerg Balsger, University of Geneva
Richard Beecroft, KIT
Monica Berger, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala
Olivia Bina, University of Lisboa | INTREPID COST
Basil Bornemann, University of Basel
Marcel Bursztyn, University of Brasila - Center for Sustainable Development
Guido Caniglia, KLI - Centre of Advanced Studies in the Life and Sustainability Sciences
Frédéric Darbellay, University of Geneva
Lisa Deutsch, Eawag
Lisa Diedrich, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Mario Diethart, Copernicus Alliance
Antonietta Di Giulio, University of Basel
Jennifer Duyne Barenstein, ETH Zürich - CASE
Olivier Ejderyan, ETH Zürich
Dena Fam, University of Technology Sydney
Josefine Fokdal, University of Stuttgart
Karen Fortuin, Wageningen University - Environmental Systems Analysis group
Rachael Garrett, ETH Zürich – Department of Environmental Systems Science
Matthias Gross, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)
Ralph Hansmann, ETH Zürich | EPF Lausanne
Harald Heinrichs, Leuphana University
Andi Hess, Arizona State University | International Network for Science of Team Science (INSciTS)
Cecilia Hidalgo, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Sabine Hoffmann, Eawag
Karri Holley, University of Alabama
Daniel Inkoom, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)
Christoph Küffer, Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
Alexandra Lux, Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ISOE)
Catherine Lyall, University of Edinburgh
Clemens Mader, University of Zürich | EMPA
Ingrid Mulà, Copernicus Alliance | University of Girona
Jens Newig, Leuphana University
Nelly Niwa, University of Lausanne
Paulo Nuno Vicente, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa | iNOVA Media Lab
Michael O’Rourke, Michigan State University
Zarina Patel, University of Cape Town
Kristina Pelikan, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (TPH) Basel
Christian Pohl, ETH Zürich - USYS TdLab | Network for Transdisciplinary Research (td-net)
Ortwin Renn, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS)
Adina Rom, ETH4D
Marlyne Sahakian, University of Geneva
Martina Schäfer, TU Berlin – Centre for Technology and Society (ZTG)
Niko Schäpke, University of Freiburg
Jan Schmidt, University of Applied Science Darmstadt | Network for Transdisciplinary Research (td-net)
Flurina Schneider, Institute for Social-Ecological Research | Goethe University Frankfurt
Iljana Schubert, University of Basel
Giulia Sonetti, Politecnico di Torino | Transdisciplinarity for Urban Sustainability Transition (TrUST)
Marco Sonnberger, University of Stuttgart
Annika Sore, University of Basel
Jack Spaapen, Policy Advisor, National Academies of Science, The Nehterlands – SHAPE-ID partner
Silvia Tobias, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL)
John van Breda, Stellenbosch University - Centre for Complex Systems in Transition (CST)
Marta Varanda, Universidade de Lisboa | INTREPID COST
Ulli Vilsmaier, Leuphana University
Benno Volk, ETH Zürich - Educational Development and Technology (LED)
Timo von Wirth, DRIFT
Matthias Wanner, Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Programme and Contributors
Organised by

Partner Organisations