Network for Transdisciplinary Research

Notre contribution pour faire face aux défis sociétaux complexes: Nous mettons en réseau les communautés scientifiques, soutenons les carrières transdisciplinaires et renforçons le développement des compétences et des méthodes.

News de la communauté

Ici vous trouvez toutes les nouvelles des quatre derniers mois de la communauté transdisciplinaire. Le site web est mis à jour en permanence. Si vous avez des communications que vous souhaitez communiquer, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.


Development cooperation and research: a promising model

Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development


The Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development (r4d programme), run by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), ended on 25 April 2024. Its completion was the occasion for the two institutions to launch the new successor programme, SOR4D, which also focuses on health, food security, social conflicts, ecosystems, work and income in developing countries. Odile Robert from the SDC offers insights into both the completed and successor programmes in this interview.


Improving how we do research with indigenous and local communities

i2insights - Roxana Ross


How can we best include the perspectives of indigenous and local people in global change research? What are the major challenges in doing research with and within local and indigenous communities? How can we best deal with such challenges?


More and more, global challenges like climate change are being felt locally, and indigenous peoples are often the most vulnerable. The inclusion of the perspectives of indigenous and local people when developing ways to respond to societal challenges is increasingly the norm in the scientific world. For response strategies to be effective, communities need to be involved in their development. This is true for a whole range of topics, from social justice to climate adaptation. But getting local communities involved in research by ‘outsiders’ can be a challenge for a multitude of reasons.


Online-Course on Narratives in Sustainability Transformations



The tdAcademy Fellow group "Fostering inclusivity and transformative action through narratives in transdisciplinary processes" around Paula Maria Bögel (University of Vechta, DE), Karoline Augenstein (Bergische Universität Wuppertal, DE) and Meike Levin-Keitel (TU Dortmund, DE) in close cooperation with Anna Sundermann (Leuphana University Lüneburg, DE) has developed an extensive collection of teaching and learning materials on the importance of narratives in sustainability transformations. The course provides an overview of research and the role of narratives in transformations. It helps to reflect on various perspectives in a socioconstructivist research mode and to understand the complexity of sustainability transformations. The teaching and learning materials include videos with theoretical inputs, interviews with practitioners, and two case studies. The online course can be used both: as a self-learning course and as open educational material in teaching.


The course is available in English.


Survey on researchers' expectations of conferences

Ariane Wenger, TdLab


Are you a researcher planning to attend scientific conferences?

Please consider participating in and distributing this survey on researchers’ expectations of conferences that Ariane Wenger (TdLab, ETH Zurich) is conducting as part of her dissertation on changing research exchange practices. The short (10-15 minutes) online survey is aimed at researchers of all scientific disciplines and career stages who are planning to attend scientific conferences. In particular, opinions and views of researchers from all around the world are appreciated. Participation in the survey will not only enrich this study, but will also help to identify avenues for enhancing current conference practices, benefiting the wider academic community.

Thank you very much for your support!


Programme de recherche sur le logement 2024-2027

Office fédéral du logement OFL


Le programme de recherche 2024-2027 comprend des sujets qui détermineront, en partant du point de vue actuel, les travaux de recherche au cours de ces quatre prochaines années. Ce faisant, il met l’accent sur des développements qui pourraient rendre nécessaire l’intervention de l’Etat, élabore et diffuse des bases de décision axées sur la pratique, et soutient des approches concrètes en vue de résoudre des problèmes existants.


Not just in our heads: Embodied and creative practices for creating connection



How can embodied and creative practices, such as dance and poetry, be used to bridge different forms of knowledge?


Transdisciplinarity requires crossing many boundaries, including knowledge fields, perspectives, languages, personalities, and geographic areas. This is often somewhat uncomfortable. Arts-based and embodied approaches can support creative thinking, perspective-taking and communication. For some, these art-based methods feel more natural than for others, but we suggest that the willingness to leave our comfort zone (‘embracing the discomfort’) opens up space for shared vulnerability that is much needed for integrating perspectives. Moreover, doing these practices under time pressure helps remove the tendency to self-criticise and strive for perfection in artistic expression. To be fair, creative practices are not everyone’s style. It is important to note that the effort is not about co-creating beautiful artwork, but rather to facilitate alternative means of expression.


We put these principles into practice when we organised the TRED (Transdisciplinary Research, Education and Dialogue) conference in 2023. At that conference we drew on metaphors, poetry, drawing and dancing as creative and embodied practices.


Mountain Research and Development Vol 43, No 4: Restoring Mountain Systems for Social–Ecological Resilience

Mountain Research and Development


Conserving and recovering mountain landscape functions are key concerns in the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations and a focus of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021–2030. Two MountainDevelopment articles in this focus issue assess efforts to protect the páramo in Ecuador and rehabilitate puna grassland in Peru. MountainResearch articles investigate the impacts of plantation forests in Ethiopia on plant species and ecosystem services and examine local governments’ views on spring drying and conservation in Nepal. A MountainAgenda article proposes a social science research agenda for the conservation of North America’s Yellowstone to Yukon Region. The guest editorial embeds the articles in the wider debate around mountain system restoration and its challenges, highlighting the attention all contributions give to its social dimensions.


td-net toolbox in Japanese



The translation of the td-net toolbox into Japanese has recently been completed. We would like Yuko Onishi for the opportunity of working together, the translation of this toolbox and its availability is a great sucess.


SWIFCOB 24 "Biodiversität integrieren" - Tagungsunterlagen der Konfrenez jetzt online

Forum Biodiversität Schweiz


Wie können wir in der Schweiz die neuen Ziele des Globalen Biodiversitätsrahmens erreichen und möglichst viele Menschen daran beteiligen? Die SWIFCOB vom 9. Februar 2024 begab sich auf die Suche nach integralen Lösungen, um bei der Erhaltung der Biodiversität und der Ökosystemleistungen und dem dafür nötigen transformativen Wandel der Gesellschaft einen Schritt weiterzukommen. Mittlerweile sind alle Tagungsunterlagen inklusive Tagungsbericht und Aufzeichnungen der Referate und Podiumsdiskussion online.


News from TA-SWISS



Technology assessment is concerned with the impact of new technologies on society and the environment. One of its tasks is monitoring, i.e. analysing current technological developments at an early stage. Below you can find out which technological developments TA-SWISS is currently working on.


Symposium declaration online

Université de l'Ontario français


On May 11-12, 2023, the ACFAS international symposium "Transdisciplinarity and the evolution of knowledge: foundations and practices" was held in Montreal. The symposium concluded with the adoption of the Message de Montréal, a declaration on the role of the transdisciplinarity in the evolution of knowledge, particularly in the current context dominated by the Artificial Intelligence.


This declaration follows in the line of other declarations, charter and messages relating to the transdisciplinarity.


The conferences of this symposium are published as academic articles in the "Cahiers du Centre de recherche sur les innovations et les transformations sociales" of Ottawa's Saint Paul University.


ISOE startet Runde Tische zu Waldkonflikten

Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung


Der Klimawandel macht den Umbau unserer Wälder notwendig. Wie genau dieser Umbau aussehen soll, ist häufig jedoch umstritten. Dabei geht es beispielsweise um die Art der Wiederbewaldung, der Jagd, der Holzernte oder der Waldbrandprävention. Das ISOE startet jetzt Runde Tische zu aktuellen Konflikten um den Wald der Zukunft. Die Ergebnisse sollen helfen, künftig in ähnlichen Fällen schneller zu besseren Lösungen zwischen unterschiedlichen Interessengruppen zu kommen. 


Living labs are learning labs: Creating and mapping conditions for social learning in transdisciplinary research



What is required for social learning in living labs? How can social learning be mapped in living labs?

Living labs are conceived as spaces for social learning across difference in real-world situations through transdisciplinary research with diverse actors. We argue that the following conditions, often intertwined and building on each other, are required to set up living labs as learning spaces:

  • Epistemic
  • Social
  • Symbolic
  • Temproal


Visit the archive site of the Bridge 47 project


Bridge 47 was a project by the EU to achive the SDG-Goal 4.7 and mobilise, network and strengthen civil society worldwide in order to contribute to a local-global transformation through Global Citizenship Education (GCE). Visit the archive site now.


The projects continues with UNESCO's Futures of Education and Transformative Education ideas and projects.


Die saguf startet mit neuer Strategie und neuer Co-Präsidentin!

saguf - Schweizerische Akademische Gesellschaft für Umweltforschung und Ökologie


Die saguf hat eine neue Strategie für 2024-2028 erarbeitet. Diese wird am 11. März 2024, 17:30-18:30 Uhr auf einer außerordentlichen Mitgliederversammlung (online) vorgestellt und leitet die Arbeit der saguf in den nächsten fünf Jahren.


Der Vorstand der Schweizerischen Akademischen Gesellschaft für Umweltforschung und Ökologie (saguf) hat an seiner Sitzung vom 20. Dezember 2023 einstimmig Dr. Claudia Zingerli als neue Co-Präsidentin gewählt. Wir gratulieren herzlich! Mit ihrer umfangreichen Erfahrung und ihrem langjährigen Engagement für die saguf wird Claudia eine Schlüsselrolle in der Umsetzung unserer neuen Strategie spielen.


Designing a rapid participatory scenario planning process



How can transdisciplinary researchers efficiently and effectively support diverse and time-poor actors in participatory scenario planning processes?Scenario planning is a useful tool for policy development, especially for contexts with high uncertainty and complexity as described by Bonnie McBain in her i2Insights contribution, Designing scenarios to guide robust decisions. However, participatory scenario planning takes time, as pointed out by Maike Hamann and colleagues in their i2Insights contribution, Participatory scenario planning.


Learning to use Appreciative Inquiry



Appreciative Inquiry is a collaborative and energizing process that enables people to connect emotionally with their situation, consider others’ perspectives and change how they see their situation. It has the potential for transformational change as people start to see compelling images of what could be – and are inspired to act. It has been used in business, the armed services, health settings and social work.


Website on sustainability transformations now online

td-net and scnat


The Swiss Academy of Sciences, where the td-net is an important member,  is working since two years now on a project around the topic of sustainability transformations. The first goal of the project has been reached by publishing an informing and detailed website in three languages.

In spring the second outcome of the project will be published, a short number of guidelines for researchers on reflections of their role in sustainability transformations. This publication will as well include useful tools for exactly this purpose. 


MRD Talk #06 | How can knowledge support restoration and conservation of mountain ecosystems for the benefit of people and nature? | Insights and recording available online

Mountain Research and Development (MRD)


Conserving and restoring mountain landscape functions is an important focus of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021–2030. MRD Talk #06, held on 6 December, contributed to this global effort and to this year’s International Mountain Day by presenting experiences of how different types of knowledge can support evidence-informed restoration of mountain landscapes for resilient mountain communities. Panelists and participants then discussed how knowledge can best be leveraged. A recording of the event and a summary of key insights with links to resources mentioned are now available online.


MRD Talks are organized jointly by Mountain Research and Development (MRD) and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) as part of the PRIMA project funded by Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC).

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