The td-net complements existing offerings from established institutions of tertiary education, regardless of discipline, but often in collaboration with universities.
The aim of the td-net is for as many students and researchers in Switzerland as possible to acquire competences for this research approach and for professional process design. This should improve the quality of transdisciplinary research in the future and also transform teaching at universities.
The td-net is also internationally networked and active in this area. (ITD Alliance, SHAPE-ID Toolkit and Gesellschaft für transdisziplinäre und partizipative Forschung (D))
Der weltweit erste MOOC zu Transdisziplinärer Forschung und die td-net Toolbox zur Koproduktion von Wissen werden vorgestellt.
Auftakt: Claudia Appenzeller, exec. MPA, Generalsekretärin der Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz
Das Netzwerk für Transdisziplinäre Forschung – wie die Akademien Kompetenzen bündeln: Theres Paulsen
Was ist transdisziplinäre Forschung? Der Schweizer MOOC erleichtert den Einstieg: Tobias Buser
BESTandermatt – Einblick in ein Fallbeispiel aus der Forschung:
Dr. Caroline Näther, Hochschule Luzern, Institut für Soziokulturelle Entwicklung
Wie kann Wissen gemeinsam produziert werden? Die td-net Toolbox hilft: Dr. Sibylle Studer, Projektleiterin td-net
How can we address societal challenges with research? Investigate principles, processes, and applications of transdisciplinarity.
This MOOC offers an opportunity to explore how research can be connected to societal challenges and how partnerships can be developed to create positive change. The course is recommended for master's students, PhDs, postdocs, project leaders, and practitioners engaged in research cooperation. However, anyone interested or involved in finding solutions to complex societal challenges through transdisciplinary research can benefit from the course. The course is designed for self-study and can be used at any time without registration or enrollment.
Please communicate these URLs (copy-paste) as they will be updated in case of any changes to the website and thus remain valid.
Website at td-net: active link:
Course: active link:
Course documentation (PDF): active link:
Subscribe to the Learning Group 2025 (mailing list): active link:
House of Academies
Laupenstrasse 7
P.O. Box
3001 Bern